Friday, 29 May 2009

Don't Let Excessive Stress Ruin Your Business

Don't Let Excessive Stress Ruin Your BusinessWe all have stresses and a little stress is good for you, but at the other end of the scale too much stress is definitely something that should try to be avoided. There needs to be a balance between work and life, something that many people just ignore. With ignorance of the stressed out individuals eventually become incapable of working effectively and the business suffers.

How can you overcome getting too stressed out? A good starting point is to just sit back for one moment and look at yourself, if you can’t do it then get a trusted friend of one of your family to give their honest opinion on where they feel that you are under too much stress. They will know better than you and their valued opinion can then be taken as gospel and positive action can then be taken.

If the consensus is that you are over stressed then a good next step is to contact professional stress management professionals like the The Stress Institute who are there as a non-profit making organisation under the helm of Dr Kathleen Hall an expert and world renown authority on stress and work–life equilibrium. A program can be recommended to you to reduce and control the way you live giving your health a fighting chance in this tough world.

Business suffers if you do from the excesses of stress and without stress management and adjustments to your lifestyle it won’t only be your business that will suffer, but you and your family, which is far more important.
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Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Make Money From Pets

Small, brindle-marked dog posed on table in studio

Pets are great, but did you know that you can make lots of money out of them and you don’t necessarily have to own one?

There are various way of earning money from pets let’s go through the options that are plentiful and abound here. Don’t forget, most people own pets ranging from a goldfish to a python. The basic requirement is the love of animals.

You can become a breeder specialising in pure breed animals that people are prepared to pay lots of money for. It needs a little investment obviously for housing and breeding stock. However once set up lots of money can be made this way. Once you are known in breeding circles there would not be that much advertising needed either.

Grooming animals is something that pet owners need and you could be earning up to £100 an hour depending on what services you offer. You will need to be qualified, but there are many animal-grooming courses throughout the country that you can take up and get certified. Be sure there is lots of work waiting for you once qualified. Just like hairdressers, hair and fur never stops growing so there will always be demand.

Walking dogs is another area where you can earn up to £20 an hour. You just need transport to get to the do and back home and this can be part of the fees that you charge your clients. A simple ad in local shops and local networking will get you business.

People go away on holiday but can’t or don’t want to take their pets. That’s another earner as a pet sitter. It is easy money but you need to ensure that you know the pets’ requirements. Many pet owners prefer a pet sitter rather than putting their pets in a home.

A pet taxi ins another area that you can make money from. A trip to the vet may be difficult for a pensioner or someone who hasn’t’ got the transport. I know it just sounds like a taxi service, but you don’t need a licence for this and if you advertise a specialist pet chauffer you will get the business. You obviously need to have the right type of transport though, but you will charge above normal taxi service rates.

One last point:
If you do take any of these opportunities, make sure you get at least third party insurance cover.

Image by George Eastman House via Flickr

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Direct TV - It Makes Good Business Sense

2-D logo.

Does your business have television for your personal use for visitors in the waiting area or for you your employees in the canteen? If so, look at the cost and what you get, you could save money and get a better service at the same time.

Direct tv can give 100% digital programming with the assurance that they are the leading provider of HD programming. They are focussed on giving the customers the best possible service.

There are a range of choices available in programming, pricing and packages starting from £29.99 per month. You are bound to get a better deal than your existing service from direct tv.

They can also provide this service and packages to private homes, in fact ~I am looking right now at what I can save on my currently cable contract and may well take up a better offer from them and get a free HD DVR receiver upgrade. Also they have a bonus of going green and saving another £5 per month.

The last mention is that they have a higher customer satisfaction than cable according to a survey made in 2007. That is another assurance that your business might consider.
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Friday, 22 May 2009

Businesses Needs Mobile Phones - But Which One?

Businesses Needs Mobile Phones - But Which One?Making money is what business is all about, but that’s only the half of it. Saving money is just as important. Choosing the right mobile phone for business use is important as the lifeline of business communication it vital to build up relationships with client and customers and also within the workforce. With so much use of the business mobile within the business environment you could save substantial amount of hard earned money by getting it right.

Businesses have and advantage over private mobile phone users, due to the excessive use they will get cheaper contracts and better deals from retailers. The trouble is there are so many different makes and styles of mobile phones out there, which one do you choose for you and your workforce? It is a confusing business choosing, but there is good advice online to help you through the mobile phone jungle.

Businesses Needs Mobile Phones - But Which One?There is which is an online website specialising in helping businesses choosing the correct business mobile phones. They have daily deals that will make a big difference to your pocket. Today they are offering a Business Mobile Phone at just £26 per month with 5125 minutes of calls or the option of having the Blackberry version at £30 per month. This deal comes with 150 texts, free next day mobile replacement and a free Nokia/Sony Ericsson.

Every day there is a deal that is hard to beat along with valuable advice on which business mobile is right for you. Can you afford not to have advice about the choice of business mobile phones out there?

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Tuesday, 19 May 2009

100 Free EC Credits On Offer To Join Adgitize

I am so impressed with Adgitize that I am offering fellow Entrecard members

100 EC credits to sign up

100 Free EC Credits On Offer To Join AdgitizeThe benefits of having Adgitize and Entrecard widgets next to each other are tremendous for your earnings and for your traffic as most Adgitize members will click on both is seen in the same frame and visa versa. This is a double earner and even more if you take up advertising with Adgitize, your advertisement fee will be earned and you will still pick up earnings from the surplus for very little effort.

So what are you waiting for, just click on the Adgitize link below and get signed up and started for free. It only takes a couple of minutes to set up and your 100 EC credits will be put into your account once confirmed.

Click on the link below and join up now, there will be 100 EC credits transferred to your account once confirmed.

-----THIS OFFER ENDS 31st MAY 2009-----

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Monday, 18 May 2009

First Impressions Count

BEIJING - JANUARY 25:  A man surfs the interne...

First impressions count on the Internet, if you website or weblog doesn’t hit the mark your traffic will move on. It is up to you to make sure that your viewers stay glued to you site once they visit.

Whether you have an existing website or just starting from new, it is important that you get the best possible shop window you can to impress an online public in waiting. The investment you make on this is probably the most worthwhile you can make for you online business.

The advice here is to get the best Web Designers you can find to do the job that will guarantee your site being presented as a quality product that will promote your goods or services. Based in the Bedfordshire area in the UK, n3o Web design agency can certainly put you in the road to success with your web design that can’t fail to impress in first impressions.
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Thursday, 14 May 2009

Adgitize - More Traffic and Earnings For Little Work

Adgitize - More Traffic and Earnings For Little WorkThe more I look at Adgitize, the more impressed I am at the moneymaking and publicity it can get for bloggers. I have written about Adgitize before and am compelled to write again as I have now on the money trail as an advertiser with them.

I paid $14 for a month of advertising with Adgitize, which earns me 100 points a day. I blog each day and that earns me another 100 points. I will get clicks from other bloggers who see my ads on other blogger sites and that will roll in more point. And finally I check daily to see my point credit and if not quite up to the 300 point mark I just click on other Adgitize widgets at the same time as I drop on Entrecard to run to the 300 mark.

If I earn 300 points a day for a month my income will not only cover the £14 of advertising fees but go well beyond this figure giving a nice ripe bunch of dollars for very little work indeed. It is so easy and already after just three days being an advertiser my hits on my blog have gone from 20 to nearly 150 daily!

Anyone who is a blogger and haven’t joined Adgitize should seriously consider it as it is a guaranteed earner and one of the best out there. It far outweighs many other schemes and Ken Brown looks after their members very well indeed.

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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Day Trading Stock Market Secrets Revealed

Are you into trading markets? Are you thinking are starting up trading? Well there is not better time to pick up a moneymaking business than in a recession. All financial experts will tell you in the downs of a recession if you have the provisions to start a new business this is the right time. If you are new to this kind of business no need to worry there is great help and advice out there to help you on your way.

A website has been developed to help investors whether beginners or experienced to learn how to win winning in the stock trade Whether stock trading, Day Trading other types of trading the aim of the site is to give and educational material based format with more than useful illustrations given valuable trading tips and advice.

There is a lot of advice out there in stock trading and a lot of it isn’t worth the read and that was what motivated this site into action in 2005. The result is content that is an asset to all potential stock trading entrepreneurs based on a great range of trading topics and are all on one site for you to review. What’s more this is all for free.

Having been featured on Yahoo and and having been selected as one of only 400 blogs in the highly respected Ad Network you can’t afford not to review it.
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Monday, 11 May 2009

WebHostGeeks - Top 10 Web Host Reviews

WebHostGeeks - Top 10 Web Host Reviews Finding a decent and appropriate web host is a common problem in this jungle of Internet business where many are out purely for profit and customer satisfaction come in a poor second. What everyone needs is a honest, simple hands on guide to which is the best and worse web hosting systems currently on offer. So where to you start to find such a service?

There is a site that gives independent reviews of the best web hosting providers. They provide clear reviews of all web hosting plans from cheap professional web hosting services for under $10 a month which include a minimum of one free domain name registration and a 30 day money back guarantee.

This site gets feedback from web site administrators on their current web host provider so there are hands on reviews form people who actually use these services. Usually when someone writes a review it is because the product is either really bad or excellent. From this there will be no doubt as to which are the best and worse web host providers.

The site in question is WebHostingGeeks who also giveweb hosting awards to the best web hosts in the industry. Every service is examined by experienced webmasters to giving a comprehensive guide to the web host service that is right for you.
So if you want to start and an online business or ore thinking about changing you current web host provider, there is no better place to go to first than WebHostingGeeks. Their guide will steer you through the jungle of hype that exists right now in the Internet.
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Friday, 8 May 2009

New Package On Offer From Entrecard

New Package On Offer From EntrecardIf you are an Entrecard member there is a new package just out. Graham Langdon the Top Dog of Entrecard has personally contacted all Entrecard members with the details.

Now this really is a profit making enterprise and I know that many will take this offer up as it seems a major boost to traffic and publicity to those who really want it, but is does encourage business bloggers rather than bloggers who don't do it for making money. Well business is business I suppose and you take the choice.

Many business bloggers will find this attractive and a positive step in their field, but to others this will seem like another betrayal of blogging principles.

Here are the details:

* $250 credit to the Enrecard Ad Network. This buys you 416,000 impressions across every blog in the system.

* 10,000 Entrecard credits (a $56 value if you bought them directly from them)

* A link to your blog on the Entrecard Dashboard for 1 week.

* Your 125x125 ad on the Entrecard Blog for one month (a $250 value)

* Your blog in the "Sponsor Forum"

The "Sponsor Forum" is to be the newest addition to the Entrecard Forums. It will act just like the announcement forum in that the posts are static and people can't reply. This section will have a link to your blog and a description of it, and it will stay in the "Sponsor Forum" for one month.

This is all for $250.
It is open to the first ten people. Payment by paypal $250 to and they will set you up.

Sounds a good deal if you are looking for a major push in your popularity, but too expensive for most who blog on a shoestring.
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Thursday, 7 May 2009

More Money From Adgitize

Adgitize has paid me more money again for April. It is an increase on the March payment and I have done absolutely nothing other than sit back and watch my Pay Pal account balance increase. I did an article on Adgitize and how easy it is to earn from them last month and what I wrote there still very much stands true. You might want to refresh your memory to see what I wrote:

Here are my earning from Adgitize for April.

Payment details
Amount: $13.10 USD
Transaction Date: May 6, 2009

Subject: Adgitize Publisher Payment April 2009

Again, I have not done anything, other than signing up and initially added my Adgitize widget up and my normal regular blogging. There is the option to work a bit more on Adgitize like clicking on the sponsored widgets, actively promoting through an affiliate program. The money that would be earned from this should be substantially higher.

I would recommend Adgitize to all bloggers who have a spare 125x125 widget space to be used up, and if you haven't, make space!

It only takes a couple of minutes to sign up to get up and running and of course you get more traffic with your ad widget on other Adgitize members. The link here will take you into the money and traffic generating zone and by the way Ken Brown the chief in charge is a nice chap!

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Monday, 4 May 2009

Your Online Signature Is Your Business Card

Business Cards VincoDevelopments

Everytime you contact someone, make the most of your signature. Your signature is your online business card - Use it. Everyday millions of emails and online messages are passed backwards and forwards - This is an ideal way of getting free publicity online and sat the end of the day is just a matter of common sense.

It amazes me how many people just don't bother to look at this angle considering it only take a few minutes to set up and will automatically be sent every time you communicate thereon. Online business is all about getting noticed and having your name, email, website or weblog in front of a waiting public and this is an ideal way to do it.

All the main email guys such as Google, Yahoo, MSN/Hotmail etc. have this facility, but why just put your name and website? You can put a little text advertisement alongside this as well, even images that will draw attention each time. If you're not using this free publicity then think about doing it now. It really could make a big difference to the feedback you get, it really is just like leaving an online business card to everyone you communicate to.

Image by *bene* via Flickr

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Friday, 1 May 2009

Top Ten Entrecard Dropper For April

Top Ten Entrecard Dropper For April 09

Another massive thanks to all my droppers but especially to the bloggers that made the top ten. I know how much work it takes to get there.

The month of April has seen warmer weather in many countries and less time on the laptop or PC and more time outside in the spring air. I know most of us bloggers spend too much time in front of the monitor so this is good news.

Let’s hope we all continue to makes strides in our on blogging genres with the help of Entrecard and its community.

Have a great May!

Dropper # of drops
MamaFlo's Place 30
Kids Toys 30
Goal For The Green 28
Entreblogger 27 25
Learning How To Make Money Online 25
Confessions of a Fitness Diva 25
Electricians notes 24
In The Eyes Of The Beholder 23
Losing It - Getting Fit 22

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