Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Top 10 EC Droppers For November 2009

How many days are there in November? 30 you might well answer. Well how come that six of my top ten Entrecard droppers made it 31 drops? They all must be time travellers of something. That aside, it is a big thank you to all who dropped on Dosh For U during the month of November. Cornymans Money-Blog just pipped everyone to the post as the top dropper and he (Martin) gets one month of exposure on my blog and I am more than happy to accommodate him. He is well worth a visit if you want to known more about making money online.

Can I also think all the other who made the effort to drop, I know it is difficult to do every day so appreciation for the dedication that has been made here.

The top ten list is given here:

Dropper # of drops
Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence 31
Pure Natural Diva 31
Traders' Hub 31
Spy Camera Shop 31
body health information 31
share free tutorial 31
Learning Corner 30
Business & Life Success 30
The One Minute Guide 30
NancyAfink 30

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1 comment:

cornyman said...

Thanks for the link love, Martin. Same is valid for your blog, excellent addition in learning how to make money (online and offline!).
