Thursday, 21 January 2010

Beware Of Criminals Who Can Ruin Your Online Business

Be warned again from criminals who are out to get and disrupt decent folk online like you and me. It also costs you time, money and stress if they succeed in getting through to you. What am I talking about? Evil Hackers!

I nearly fell for one sly trick, but the lack of perfect English gave it away, let me explain.

It was coincidental that I was expecting a parcel from Hong Kong any day now and this email arrvived. I quote:

Dear customer!
The courier company was not able to deliver your parcel by your address.
Cause: Error in shipping address.
You may pickup the parcel at our post office personaly!
The shipping label is attached to this e-mail.
Please print this label to get this package at our post office.
Please do not reply to this e-mail, it is an unmonitored mailbox!
Thank you.
DHL Delivery Services.

I nearly fell for it thinking that this was the parcel I was expecting then I realised that firstly, DHL was not the delivery service I opted for and as mentioned the spelling isn't perfect (personaly should be personally!)

Thinking on, this idiot who wants you to open a can of worms with the file attachment disguised as a package label needs to be tarred and feather and hung from the neck a public place as an example to others who try and ruin other people's lives.

A warning to all, don't open anything that comes with these sorts of messages it could conceivably ruin any business you have online with viruses.

Everyday I get spammers and/or criminals trying to claw their evil way into my system and if this one had a bit more of an intelligent criminal mind (now there's paradox) it may have caught me. Be very aware!

Helping you through the maze of money making

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hee, I got this one too, only just caught myself. Speaking of which, one of your ads just got flagged by my anti virus checker (Avast), sorry, I got rid of it too quick to check which one.....
