Friday, 19 March 2010

Got A Blog - Get A Business Card For It

Most if not all people who blog want  as many readers as possible to see their work online. Advertising is made sometime spending quite a bit of money to get your message across online. But what about other ways that are not really thought about when trying to promote your blog?

Okay, you may have Entrecard, Adgitise and other social networking scheme in place to get more readers. You may even have a budget for Adwords getting more people to click into your site. But what about off line marketing? A blog is a business and business is not confined to online marketing and advertising. This is an area that can be tapped into quite easily and get you more traffic.

The first .line of off line action is to get a load of business cards printed out with your blog details attractively designed on it. Business cars are so, so cheap to buy and most people who have a printer with their laptop or desktop can design and print their own with good quality glossy card/paper. For a few pence a sheet you could have hundreds of business cards for under £1!

Give out these business cards to everyone you know, and I mean everyone. A work, down the pub, local shops, supermarket boards. When you go on holiday leave your card with everyone you meet. Give friends and family a bundle and ask them to give them to everyone they know and don't forget to tell them to give these 'other people' bundles and do the same. If you know any local Internet cafes, blue tack one to each computer with the owners consent of course, (you may wish to say you would write an ad for him on your blog in exchange!)

There are endless ways to get your blog know off line, and this is just one example of how you can do that with very little cost involved. You will be surprised at the traffic yo can generate from this and of course more traffic means more potential income from your blog.

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1 comment:

Sandy said...

A good tip for someone trying to do business through their blog. No one I work with blogs, or think much of the idea; in fact most of them aren't into computers at all so that would be a waste for me. But, I think it's a good tip for many.

