Sunday, 1 November 2009

Tops EC Droppers Fro October 2009 - Thank You!

It's top dropper on Entrecard again. This month was a very close run event with no less than for on the max with 31 drops. Somehow Learning Corner got to the top of the pile this months and gets a free one month worth of ads on this site. A massive thank you to all the other loyal droppers and other who just missed being mentioned on the list given below.

Happy Days chaps!

Learning Corner

Center for Personal Development, Professional Learning and Education, Finance, Smart Investment, Business Management, Business Strategy, Leadership, Business Success, Computer, Technology Update, Lifestyle Improvement.

body health information

blog about body health information

share free tutorial

blog about free share tutorial software computer hardware computer and internet

Business & Life Success

Center for Business Success, Life Success, Management Success and Career Success


Your one stop destination for everything! Entertainment, music, movies, health, lifestyle, technology updates and everything about me! Live Life!

atenean101 @ Blogspot

A personal blog which includes articles and other write-ups that I have personally written and edited which accounts all my random thoughts about all things that interests and concerns me. Basically it's just about everything under the sun...

My Meme Mania

This blog hosts a meme that celebrates accomplishments and victories over procrastination. It also is used to participate in a variety of other memes.

SFV Blog

Building the Income & Lifestyle Most People Only Dream. Shepherd Family Values - Business Consultant offer Free online and face-to-face business counseling. We coach, mentor, and train entrepreneur.

Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence

All you want to know about being financial independent... Saving, investing, earning money worldwide opportunities for your personal finances!

Traders' Hub

My blog gives trading advice, makes critical reviews of related sites, and teaches trading techniques.

Best travel pictures in the world

During my travels and holidays i take a lot of pictures, the most amazing pictures will be shown on my blog (my brother's blog!)


Providing the Guide, Tips and Tricks Honestly to Make Money Online

Smith Business and Finance

A Blog About Business and Finance

Master And Student

All about stock markets,investing and trading.Learn about fundamentals and technical analysis.Top source for stocks, insurance, money and personal finance.

Anything Goes W/ Pahn

Anything Goes w/ Pahn is a personal website of Pahn to weblog his views, opinion and some story to the world wide web.


A blog about home improvement advice including home decor, interior design, kitchen remodeling ideas, flooring care, furniture, and all about home improvement

The One Minute Guide

The One Minute Guide gives you a short view on a specific topic. It can be anything from Blogging tips, Health, Make money, Traffic generating and guides/tutorials for software and websites.


This blog is where I share info about the computer, software, internet and technology, online business, SEO, etc

Bulgarian Scrapbook

All about what is going on as it happens in Bulgaria. Little bits and pieces picked up along the way that are of interest whether political, cultural or just plain funny.


A Chiropractor's views on health and fitness; a diabetic with a dodgy heart; things that interest me.

Coming Back to Life

A personal journey thru life and faith with lots of fun mingled in.

Go For Success Blogging Community

to increase the productivity and usability of any blog or website

All about Babies and Kids

How to raise/feed/treat our first newborn baby boy, which kind of diseases can occur and how to cure them, which possibilities are there for education in the early months...

Kamila the Camel

A camel called Kamila has found herself now living in Bulgaria. The site giving a account of what Kamila gets up to and what adventures she has there. She now has to help support the Bulgarian family she lives with by making a little blogging. She is now the first and only camel blogger.

Tips n Wrinkles - Save Money and The World

This site gives valuable advice on saving money, time and effort with a view of conservation always in the forefront. You will be that much wiser after reading each article.

Helping you through the maze of money making
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