Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Identity Cards - Demand Is There Therefore So Is A Business

Identiy Cards - Demand Is There Therefore So Is A Business

Security is big business with many avenues for profit making with increased security awareness throughout the world. There are not many areas that are unaffected with matters of security and identity checks in a world that has lost its trust in the community. This may sound negative but it has a silver lining for a small business idea that can make you money.

Identity cards have never been more on demand. Think about where identity cards are worn. Almost every retail shop will have them, all vocations that involved visiting people homes of travelling to other firms will need them and of course the whole sector of security personnel require them. Printing identity cards and laminating them in plastic is a viable and in demand business you can start up with little expense.

Photo business cards and club membership cards can easily be produced using a good home computer and printer. With the right kind of software, a supply of materials and a small affordable laminator, you can be in business in no time. By canvassing small businesses and clubs with a good selection of samples you are certain to gain orders. Eventually, you may get enough repeat business to concentrate solely on the design and print work. You could then employ a rep to expand the business further.

Image by HowardLake via Flickr

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Sunday, 27 December 2009

A Google Christmas Message - Better Than a Christmas Card

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...

What a great Christmas present from Google and the AsSense programme. US$102.97 is waiting for me to pick up from the Bank right now. Fair do it took a year to build up to reach the US$100 mark, but it is money for doing absolutely nothing other than blog as normal.

AdSense works while you are asleep in bed and you can see why this form of money making online is used by millions of people as a passive income. There is of course many ways you can improve of the payouts you get by manipulating the way you work on your blog. This is a specialist area that many take up and there are many maestroes giving advice on how to get the most out of it.

In the main, bloggers jsut tend to place the AdSense ads and hopw that they strike lucky. There will alwasy be money rolling in but it is comeasurate to the amount of tinkling you do with the placement, design and of course keywords that are essential to prompting the right type of ads that people click on. Bot going into too much detail I just don't'know why every blogger has AdSense omn their blog it takes up little space and no work at all! It takes just a couple of minutes to set up and no maintenance at all beyond that.

Look at it this way, next Christmas I may well have gained another US$100+ Christmas bonus. Now waht was I going to spend it on? Oh yes the massive electric bill we will receive in January - Doh!

Here the Christmas message from Google: (Better than any Chrismas card that's for sure!)

Payment History > 23-Dec-2009 Payment Details

Payment Type

Western Union Quick Cash

Payment Date


Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)


Amount in Payment Currency

USD $102.97

Your payment is available for pick-up the day after the payment date above
Remember to bring the following when you pick up your payment at a local Western Union agent:

  • The amount of your payment
  • The Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) for this payment
  • Your government issued ID (Passport, Driver's Licence, National ID, etc)
  • Sender's information:

Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Statement of Earnings

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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Online Forums - A Must For Businesses

Online Forums - A Must For Businesses

The Internet is amazing! A community linked on a worldwide scale through a network of electronic connections. You needn’t be alone ever again once you're online. You need social interaction to earn money as well and to do this you need to get known. An ideal way to do this is through forum mediums.

Forums are a social gathering of online people who may or may not have something in common. Whatever you hobby or business there is a forum out there for you. I must admit, I have seen quite a few and there are the good the bad and the ugly. So what are the advantages of joining and taking part in a forum?

One thing is for sure there are millions of people online, but having just said that, there are niche communities with a limited amount of people within them, but they tend to stick together. It’s all part of doing business online don’t forget and that is based on building relationships. Trust is something that is built on time just like any other relationships and that is happening on a worldwide format and not just on a personal. but on a business basis.

Joining a forum is advertising for your business and if you are an established member there will be new members who will look up to you for advice and will be more likely to do business with you. It is also like an interactive textbook with answers to any questions anyone might have.

Whatever the reasons you have for joining a forum it will do you business no harm at all as your profile signature with be your business banner that is in visitors faces every time they communicate with you. Forums are a must alongside various other mediums of advertising and of course it would be a business learning curve for you as well

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Sunday, 20 December 2009

Make Money On Unwanted Goods

Make Money On Unwanted Goods

Quite often we have things in the house that have no use to you at all. For example, an old electric liquidizer, a broken digital camera, a box of designer shoes that are too small and unworn. Now there is a moneymaking option you can take with these, but with a little though behind it.

Some item that you no longer use may in the main be used, these generally will devalue in value as time goes on. On the other hand, there may be items that are brand new still boxed unopened, many of these will increase in value over an extended period becoming collectors’ items. It is here where the decision to make money on them now or wait for an increase in market value should be thought out.

The three things that I have and do not use, namely the liquidiser and broken camera are to be sold now, but the box of designer shoes will be held on for a few years as I’m sure they will increase in value as time walks on without them being worn. They are already ten years old and are effectively an investment. The used items will be sold on online auctions in Bulgaria where I live, as the postage will be too expensive for an eBay auction. I will get money for the sale and free up space in my small home here.

It is a simple case of finding things that have no use to you in the home, or even asking other family or friend to do the same with a commission for you on item that they might want to sell. It’s so easy nowadays to sell anything online as long as you don’t ask for too much or put a reserve that will not be reached.

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Friday, 18 December 2009

A Reflection On Gambling As a Business

A Reflection On Gambling As a Business

I must point out that in recent posts there is reference to gambling as a way of making money. Those bloggers who know anything about blogging, and that is most of you, know that these posts were written for a reason. That reason is from a business stance, which is far safer than making money by gambling.

Gambling has a bad press and for good reason. It has been the ruin of countless people, usually those in desperate financial situations drawn in by desperation. It is this section of gambling public that the draw of promises to riches that I take offence with. One might say that these people might well have a bit more sense and their own financial demise is their own fault. I disagree, advertising and many outright lies about this so called lucrative business is to blame.

I stress again that gambling is a fools’ game to those who rely on it as a money making activity and the strongest advice possible it to say that you should only gamble money away that you can afford to lose. This is so true. I for the life of me can’t understand why anyone has money they can afford to lose in this time of recession. Having said that the gambling bandwagon is strong right now due to desperate people trying their hand at a quick fix to solve their financial problems. Gambling institutions are thriving on the misfortune of the struggling and most of their profits come from this sector of the public.

I’d go for a work based flutter on the Horse racing Grand National or the Derby but casinos just make me want to run away. It is the picture of profits for mafia management and the foolhardiness to those who choose this form of business.

There will be those who disagree, but are these people on the gambling forefront and already have a vested interest in it?

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Sunday, 13 December 2009

Success Or Failure In Business Is Down To You

Success Or Failure In Business Is Down To You

If anyone tells you that making money is easy, the chances are they are lying! 99% of the time you need to invest to make money with no guarantees either. But still millions are drawn to start their own business with the plan of making money as the carrot. The figures on failures are high mainly due to lack of planning, relevant market research and the amount investment that was miscalculated. The biggest reason for failure is however is the lack of business acumen.

How can you ensure any business you start up succeeds? Well you can’t, but you can reduce the risks of failure quite simply by being professional about it. That means talking to business advisors in your local area, that includes banks and commerce and industry associations, which incidentally give advice free in most cases. They are there to support businesses and new enterprises with the banks taking a special interest, as they want your business as well.

Look at other similar businesses that you plan to start. What can you do to beat the competition? Can you offer cheaper, better and give service or goods that will take some of the market that your potential competitors hold. Is there enough of a market for a new business of this type? These are just a small sample of the questions that you should ask yourself and will be asked from professionals that can help you plan your enterprise.

The most important factor of all in business is you. Are you the sort of person who can run your own business? You may have the best idea in the world, but if you are not the type of person who can lead your won business it won’t succeed and you are better off working for someone else. The best place to start is looking at yourself, or even better get someone else who knows you to do this. The truth sometimes hurts, but it will save you a lot of heartache and potential financial hardship along this difficult route of making money from your own business.

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Monday, 7 December 2009

Paid For Entertainment - Look At Gambling That Way

Slot machines

Another bit of advice if you are into gambling. Again I have to say that my own personal opinion of gambling and betting is one where I avoid this form of money making. I just don’t like the idea of profit left to chance which is what gambling actually is.

You can of course increase the chances of winning but the profits are that much lower and there is always he chance you can lose in every form of gambling no matter what the odds are.

Funnily enough whenever someone mentions slots games I always cast my mind back to the town of Clacton-On-Sea on the English Essex coast line where the pier hold many arcades and slot machines. I lived there fore five years and avoided the arcades it like the plague. This is where many people gather to gamble, or have fun. I used to feel that the coins that went into the machines foolhardy and was left to the devices of profits from the arcade owners who did very well out of the business.

Of course now there is a swarm of online slot games without the lager louts who used to hang around the physical arcades at the seaside resorts. I still don’t entertain these sites but if you feel that way inclined I can point you to a clean and upfront site from Scandinavia that can entertain you and try your chance at profiteering with risks of naturally. Their site is also a ratings guide giving you a guide to the best online casinos, poker rooms and gaming sites on the web. This might be very useful to gain an insight and perspective about what’s out there in this form of risky money making or money losing.

If you can afford to lose money then perhaps this is for you, but don’t go in there if you need to win, enjoy your loses and treat it as entertainment you pay for.
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Saturday, 5 December 2009

Casino Gambling Guide And More - If You're Into It

Casino Gambling Guide And More - If You're Into It

Making money out of gambling is something that I do not really advise. However, here are many who do actually do this and make a profit. Now I don’t suggest for one moment that this is something for everyone, but if you have a leaning towards this form of trying to make money then there is a site that gives a ratings guide to the best online casinos, poker rooms and gaming sites on the internet, with online casinos for real money to play.

It is well worth doing your market research before you start any moneymaking business therefore well worth spending time looking for the type of gambling portfolios that will suit you. There are many form of casino games all of which I personally avoid on principle, but everyone is different I guess.

One last piece of advice that I will give is important but so true. Only bet or gamble on the money you can afford to lose. This has been said many times before, but many don’t heed the advice more's the pity. Don’t let it be you and good luck if you take this form of moneymaking.
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Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Top 10 EC Droppers For November 2009

How many days are there in November? 30 you might well answer. Well how come that six of my top ten Entrecard droppers made it 31 drops? They all must be time travellers of something. That aside, it is a big thank you to all who dropped on Dosh For U during the month of November. Cornymans Money-Blog just pipped everyone to the post as the top dropper and he (Martin) gets one month of exposure on my blog and I am more than happy to accommodate him. He is well worth a visit if you want to known more about making money online.

Can I also think all the other who made the effort to drop, I know it is difficult to do every day so appreciation for the dedication that has been made here.

The top ten list is given here:

Dropper # of drops
Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence 31
Pure Natural Diva 31
Traders' Hub 31
Spy Camera Shop 31
body health information 31
share free tutorial 31
Learning Corner 30
Business & Life Success 30
The One Minute Guide 30
NancyAfink 30

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Sunday, 29 November 2009

Make Money Simply By Working

Make Money Simply By Working

Money is something that most people want and they dream most of the time about it. Dreaming about money is not going to get you money, as most will realise when they wake up. So other than dreaming, what can you do to make money?

Only the fortunate few can make money by not working, this is through inheritance, being born with a silver spoon in their mouth or just plain lucky by winning a fortune on the lottery or similar gamble. No need to worry though, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to find the answer to making money. The answer is very simple indeed - Work!

Whether you work for someone or for yourself money is made from doing something that is paid for most know that, but right now finding that vocation is the problem for many. Thousands if not millions are having a great deal of trouble finding work that can pay their bills and put food enough food on the table for the family. We all know how stressful this can be, but dealing with financial hardship from lack of working income is something that has a silver lining. What is does it teach people how to stop being wasteful and brings home very strongly the ways of economical living which perhaps too many have not had to think about before.

Yes, working for money now is not a mandatory right therefore contingency plans have to be made and many have taken the Internet as a small salvation for earnings. It is another form of work and may not give the money for the standard of living that you once had in another working world now gone, but it is better than doing nothing and earning nothing.

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Monday, 23 November 2009

Ghostwriter - Good Money If You Can Sell Your Soul

Ghostwriter - Good Money If You Can Sell Your SoulCan you write good article with ease and have a range of styles that you can easily adapt too? If so and you are writing currently and not getting the income you feel you deserve there is something that you can do to rectify this?

Ghostwriters have been around now for a number of years where they are hired by parties who want articles, books, advertising etc., written by a third party and they buy the rights of that writing, technically they own the copyright to that piece and the real writer remains anonymous, but that much richer for their writing skills and efforts.

It is a simple equation of supply and demand, individuals or companies need the word written, they haven’t the time or the talent to do it so hire someone to do it for them. Whether you can take on board the fact that you are giving your own work away to someone else that gets full credit for the work is an issue that is easily resolved with the payments that change hands. It is a bit like giving your soul away and therefore the aptly named Ghostwriter has a meaning beyond the anonymity it first implies.

If this is for you there are a number of guides and agencies that you can approach for further details. Well worth a look if you have the aptitude and a mercenary attitude to writing.

Here are a few places to start finding out more about it and perhaps start your new source of income:

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Sunday, 22 November 2009

Web Directories - You'll Get Nowhere Without Them

World Class Traffic JamMore Traffic From Web Directories

The chances are that you are a blogger reading this and if that is the case you will know about and have probably used web directories. You will also know how important they are in terms of getting your own blog out to a waiting public looking for just the type of information and writing you produce. Well this being the case there is another web directory that you may well want to consider to add to your marketing armour to move up in the search rankings, increase Google and Alexa PR ranking and of course back links that are the life and soul of being seen and bring in more traffic.

The beauty is that most web directories are free. Just a couple of minutes going through the signing up and entering your blog into a web directory gives you a lifetime of public view if accepted. By the way it is good that there is a vetting on web directories taking on just decent blogs, this give more credibility to the blog community that sits there of course.

Where you have a blog that is personal, for business or even and AdSense based bog for earning, submission to web directories is an essential part of successful blogging. I can’t say I know any blog that doesn’t use them. If you haven’t already submitted to directories now is the best time to start. Put your efforts in this direction and the results will be put in the pipeline. Set yourself a target of one directory a day and after 3 months you will have a much bigger following on the web on a passive basis!

Image representing Yahoo! as depicted in Crunc...

The most important directories to start off with are Google of course, DMOZ, Yahoo and BOTW (for businesses.) Just spend 15 minutes submitting to these and you are on your way.

Don’t forget that you heard it here on first and of course!
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Friday, 20 November 2009

Carrots Or Gold - Potentially, Which Is The Best Investment?

Potentially, what is worth more, $10 worth of carrots or $10 worth of gold? It is a question that will almost certain draw most people into answering gold. Why is this? Gold has a history of being sought after and owning it gives a prestige. Gold is everything to many people hence the answers geared toward this.

Carrots Or Gold - Potentially, Which Is The Best Investment?

How many of you answered carrots? If you did, what are your reasons? I initially thought that carrots are worth more, especially to a hungry person. They are a food full goodness and primed with healthy vitamin A. Then the thought of once they had been eaten that is the end of it.

Potentially you could sell the carrots one at a time walking the streets and make a profit and buy more carrots and do the same, this is the start of a carrot selling business that has potential. Buying a carrot for a few cents for a healthy snack certainly has a good feel about it.

Carrots Or Gold - Potentially, Which Is The Best Investment?

Gold on the other hand is not use to anyone other than its value. I suppose you could wear it as jewellery, but that will not make you money. With just having $10 of gold it won’t make any difference in the value of a year or so, so you are at a dead end here. So although gold is worth more than carrots to the majority of people who the question is put to it is not the case as far as earning potential goes. And the reason for choosing the carrot for some is I guess more reasoned towards being ‘green’ rather than a business choice.

A carrot-snack selling business! Now there’s a good idea!

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Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Lost Your Job? - Start An Income Safety Net By Writing

Lost Your Job? - Start An Income Safety Net By Writing

Lost your job? Can’t find another, do something useful with your time. Article writing is a way where you can eventually not have to rely on working for someone. It is of course elf-employed and a new set of rules will have to be learnt on hoe to run your own business. Even if you are in work it is a good idea to run a safety net income just in case this unfortunate situation of unemployment hits you.

The perfect way to start is actually while you are still in gainful employment this way you can build up your article writing business on the side, but this does not detract from doing it from scratch if you find yourself out of work. It is a vocation that you will have to learn as you go along. Writing for a living doesn’t happen overnight even though you can still quickly earn reasonable money if you have a flair for this skill. There are many tutorials that you can refer to online that are free to help you to improve your writing skills and gain more contracts from sponsors.

Writing for a living isn’t for everyone of course, but most people can learn the ropes if they have a little sense and organisation skills. There is enough material in the WWW world to draw upon and write about to infinity so that is not an issue. The big one is whether you have the dedication and staying power to get to the bigger money assignments. This is where the many people do actually make a living.

Even if you are not a natural writer, with a little work you can still earn enough to supplement your income or unemployment benefit. (You will have to check how much you can earn without affecting your benefit of course.)

Image From Image by xclockwerkangelx via Flickr

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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

A New Type Of Auction - Exciting And Potentially Money Spinning

A New Type Of Auction - Exciting And Potentially Money SpinningMaking money is something that thousands of people do online now by using auctions. The principle is the same as any other business that in involves buying and selling. You buy at a lower price than you sell and keep the profit it is as simple as that. Buying cheap goods in bulk makes most profits by selling them in smaller unit at a higher price, this is the basis for making money quite easily if you have a little capital.

Finding place to buy and sell online is easy, I suppose eBay paved the way for this, but there are other auction sites that have a big say in helping people online, not only make money but pick up a bargain or two in the process as well. is an alternative method of auctioning that offers brand new product or service you can bid for either profit or pleasure. Here’s how it works:

All goods are brand new and start at a bidding price of $0.00. The potential bidder simply creates a new account to bid (you get 5 free bids when registering) and purchases each bid for the sum of $0.60. Bids are increased by $0.02 each time until the countdown of the auction ends. This can potentially be a very quick action auction with times for bidding ranging from 15 seconds to 3 minutes for each successive bid. Each tie another bid is put in within the time constraints the timer is reset and counts down again. It can go on indefinitely as long as the bids keep coming in – Exciting stuff!

For me, I like to think about what I buy and would be too nervous to use this auction, call be a ‘scaredy cat’ if you like, but to others the thrill of this auction site and the countless bargains you can in goods or services, potentially get to create profits from is endless.

Another good way of making money from carefully chosen goods you can resell at a profit.
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Sunday, 15 November 2009

Make Money By Blogging - No Need For Greed

Make Money By Blogging - No Need For Greed

Making money for me is not about hitting the heights of richness, but just to help things along with paying bills and putting food on the table. I lost that greed factor many years ago, I only wish the world could see the way forward in this light as well.

Making a little money is easy as long as you expectations are geared that way as well. Making $10 a week on the Internet by combining any number of schemes from the passive AdSense to paid blog reviews is achievable by every blogger out there. It may take a few months to build up a blog that has a decent Alexa rank or Google page rank and the money is there to make. Many thousands of bloggers are content with this and it more than funds the overheads of their hobby of writing. And why not? How many other hobbies are there that you can take up where it pays for itself and gives a little extra for you efforts?

Blogging is an enterprise that is harmless, educational and rewarding in both aesthetic and financial spheres. This to me is more than enough to keep me online with blogging and of course help get through this winter of possible discontent in the recession that still plague’s us.

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Monday, 9 November 2009

Put Your Site On Search Engines - A Guide to Use

Put Your Site On Search Engines - A Guide to Use

Creating a website is hard work and the grafting seems endless. Even so, the excitement of your creation keeps you going through the pain barrier with the though perhaps of the money this new site will earn you once published and established on the WWW.

So the hard work is done. From the original drawing board you have planned the site and put the jigsaw of detail and date you need for the site and tested for bugs and all it well. The pages are also all tested and the whole site is ready to go. Your domain and web host is working well and up to expectations, so what’s next?

Well for any site to have success online they need to be projected to a waiting audience. Most people who view websites would initially do a search through a search engine to find the subject, topic or material they are looking for. If you aren’t there with the searchers than you have failed before you have begun, getting your site on search engines is the key to success, but how do you go about it?

The answer is by simply by following advice from a knowledgeable source. How to publish your site on search engines is an essential article you will find most useful. Take time to do this as it is probably the most important step you can take with your site. Search engines are your main shop window for your site so just do it with the step-by-step guide that will help you through the process.
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Sunday, 8 November 2009

I want It And I Want It Now - Bad Worldwide Habit


Saving money is just as important as earning it, many people who bust a gut trying to earn forget this. Most people fall into the category of materialism and with this upturns profits that to some lead to the need for credit as fund don’t allow for their wants.

Wants are an unnecessary commodity and to be quite honest it had got out of hand which is one of the reasons for the recession – buying on credit to speed up the wants is not sustainable as we have all found out. The only way to solve this is to rethink how to deal with our wants. If you can’t afford something then just don’t buy it or save up for it. After all if it is a new product is will be cheaper after a certain period anyway! This of course will fall on deaf ears as many are too stuck in their greedy ways and a slave to consumer advertising who have won hands down for over a century.

If you want to improve your earnings and feel the need for a want count to ten, but one number up each day. By the tenth day what you wanted would have either diminished into something else you want or gone out of fashion. Either way you will have won the fight against being brainwashed through commercial marketing and ‘forced’ buying through mind games and of course be far better off mentally and financially. I won’t mention that fact that you will have perhaps paved the way to being free to think for yourself rather than how others want you to think.

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Monday, 2 November 2009

Use Help In WebHosting Choices - It's There To Use

How do you know what the right choice is when it comes to web hosting? What is the best way you can ensure that the web host for you is right and suited to your type of site? These are questions that have simple answers, but even with this there are thousands of websites who have not taken this route and are counting the cost further down the line.

Making a decision about the type of website hosting system to use is all about having the information at hand. With this you can make arrive at a point where you know what is right for you and the gamble and risk is taken out of the equation. You need a source that can give you a comprehensive run down of web hosting plans, highlight the promotional and discounted deals that are around and of course warn you off web hosting areas that are no use to you.

The other area that you will need to make your choice is feedback from a real Internet public that have used dais web hosting systems and have given feedback. With real reviews at hand you can certainly have a reflective view of what is good and what is bad. In fact you would be a fool not to use this type of analysis if you know it is around. How many times do people buy into the unknown when advice is plainly available, not just in web host providers either?

If you are in the market for a web host provider then you need a web hosting guide to steer you in the right direction. If you are currently using a web host you can also give a report on the service you have got by rating the site for others who may either be warned off or encouraged by the review.

The bottom line is to check out the best web host for you from available resources on line that are specifically designed to aid you and make the choice that much simpler. You may well find something that you never knew was out there and it is just up your street in compatibility.
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Sunday, 1 November 2009

Tops EC Droppers Fro October 2009 - Thank You!

It's top dropper on Entrecard again. This month was a very close run event with no less than for on the max with 31 drops. Somehow Learning Corner got to the top of the pile this months and gets a free one month worth of ads on this site. A massive thank you to all the other loyal droppers and other who just missed being mentioned on the list given below.

Happy Days chaps!

Learning Corner

Center for Personal Development, Professional Learning and Education, Finance, Smart Investment, Business Management, Business Strategy, Leadership, Business Success, Computer, Technology Update, Lifestyle Improvement.

body health information

blog about body health information

share free tutorial

blog about free share tutorial software computer hardware computer and internet

Business & Life Success

Center for Business Success, Life Success, Management Success and Career Success


Your one stop destination for everything! Entertainment, music, movies, health, lifestyle, technology updates and everything about me! Live Life!

atenean101 @ Blogspot

A personal blog which includes articles and other write-ups that I have personally written and edited which accounts all my random thoughts about all things that interests and concerns me. Basically it's just about everything under the sun...

My Meme Mania

This blog hosts a meme that celebrates accomplishments and victories over procrastination. It also is used to participate in a variety of other memes.

SFV Blog

Building the Income & Lifestyle Most People Only Dream. Shepherd Family Values - Business Consultant offer Free online and face-to-face business counseling. We coach, mentor, and train entrepreneur.

Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence

All you want to know about being financial independent... Saving, investing, earning money worldwide opportunities for your personal finances!

Traders' Hub

My blog gives trading advice, makes critical reviews of related sites, and teaches trading techniques.

Best travel pictures in the world

During my travels and holidays i take a lot of pictures, the most amazing pictures will be shown on my blog (my brother's blog!)


Providing the Guide, Tips and Tricks Honestly to Make Money Online

Smith Business and Finance

A Blog About Business and Finance

Master And Student

All about stock markets,investing and trading.Learn about fundamentals and technical analysis.Top source for stocks, insurance, money and personal finance.

Anything Goes W/ Pahn

Anything Goes w/ Pahn is a personal website of Pahn to weblog his views, opinion and some story to the world wide web.


A blog about home improvement advice including home decor, interior design, kitchen remodeling ideas, flooring care, furniture, and all about home improvement

The One Minute Guide

The One Minute Guide gives you a short view on a specific topic. It can be anything from Blogging tips, Health, Make money, Traffic generating and guides/tutorials for software and websites.


This blog is where I share info about the computer, software, internet and technology, online business, SEO, etc

Bulgarian Scrapbook

All about what is going on as it happens in Bulgaria. Little bits and pieces picked up along the way that are of interest whether political, cultural or just plain funny.


A Chiropractor's views on health and fitness; a diabetic with a dodgy heart; things that interest me.

Coming Back to Life

A personal journey thru life and faith with lots of fun mingled in.

Go For Success Blogging Community

to increase the productivity and usability of any blog or website

All about Babies and Kids

How to raise/feed/treat our first newborn baby boy, which kind of diseases can occur and how to cure them, which possibilities are there for education in the early months...

Kamila the Camel

A camel called Kamila has found herself now living in Bulgaria. The site giving a account of what Kamila gets up to and what adventures she has there. She now has to help support the Bulgarian family she lives with by making a little blogging. She is now the first and only camel blogger.

Tips n Wrinkles - Save Money and The World

This site gives valuable advice on saving money, time and effort with a view of conservation always in the forefront. You will be that much wiser after reading each article.

Helping you through the maze of money making
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Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Web Article Site - A Good Place To Copy

This world is all about advertising and whatever business you are in advertising is the key to success. You don’t have to be a mastermind to compose a good ad. In fact the secret is to copy tried and tested methods using the brains that have devised successful advertising techniques. You can do this for free!

There is an article has been found that does exactly that, how to write an ad, telling you step by step on how to write a good ad. It can be for any blogging medium and has been tested many times before and deemed a fail proof system to use. It is so easy when things like this are laid out for you and of course takes the painstaking task composing an advert form a blank piece of paper. This article was found quite simply by going to a free site and going to the business section that runs a whole list of free to take web article on that particular subject. They are of course free to publish on your site, but just as interesting to read and take advice from.

You too can submit articles to this site and get back links from anyone who decides to republish your article. You may well get traffic form solely readers who want to know more about you as well. The site called "The Web Articles Directory" covers almost every subject even fishing in Holland, which I have just read. Well worth a visit and browse, then you may well decide to use it on a regular basis.
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Monday, 26 October 2009

Web Directories - A Great Help To Blogging Authors

Image representing Yahoo! as depicted in Crunc...A Directory Not To Forget

Anyone who is into blogging and wants to make a success out of it must work on other aspects of blogging other than writing blogs. Blogs are surely written by authors to be read and unless you work on getting the message out that you have something to read. There is a simple step you can take in one area that will give your blog more credibility and more readers. It is not rocket science but will certainly help you blogs to reach out with more traffic.

Web directories have been around since the beginning of the wave of blogging, even before then with static websites. They have always had an important part to play in spreading the word to readers who use them as a search tool. Subscribing to web directories increases your links and decent web directories that have some clout in Google’s eyes will help towards building you a better PR.

There are many directories that are around that ask for money to be added, you don’t need to go for these is you are on a tight budget. To be quite honest many of the free web directory sites are just as good as some paid ones such as DMOZ which is one of the most effective although ti can take a few months to get excepted.

There are of course different genres of web directories specialising in certain fields and have much more of a targeted audience. If you have a niche blog then using a web directory specific to your blog theme is a very wise move not to be missed. The benefits are much more pronounced this way. My own blog is a business blog and I always look for a business web directory to add to at every opportunity.

Lastly, don’t forget the most obvious web directories such as the Yahoo directory, many bloggers miss this as it is too obvious, but probably the most important directory to be added to bar Google of course. Adding your site to directories may be boring work, but who said being a popular author was never going to be easy anyway. What do they say 1% inspiration 99% perspiration!
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Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Children In Films And Fame Thereon

Children In Films And Fame Thereon

Fame and fortune, most people want it, but only a fraction of the population gets it. This is one genre of work that thousands strive for but fail for various reasons. There is of course an element of luck involved along with the required talent and looks that make up the criteria to become a star. Children actors is any area where potentially your child and family could be financially set up for life in the right land of stardom. Where on earth do you start though?

If you feel you have children that have something special that you feel would stand up well in the film or advertising business you may well want to read on. There are avenues that give your child a head start with being recognised by the industry professionals. Where do film produces and advertising agencies look for children that have qualities that they want? They simply look up agencies that have a vetted register of children that are available for audition and work. One of best way of getting your child into the acting circles is to join and acting circle for children.

Your child need only be a baby to enter a Baby Photo Contest. This is just the start. Older Children Acting Indie Films is also a potential fame creator and money spinner as a bonus. To get children in film you need to take positive action and register free with a reputable children in film agency that can promote and advertise your child’s presence and availability.

So if you fell that the talent in your family and the world needs to know, you can register free and market this quite easily. You will of course be ahead of the crowd with other children not registering.
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Monday, 19 October 2009

Car Insurance Knowledge Saves Money

Car Insurance Knowledge Saves MoneyMoney down the drain its all I can say that happens if you don’t know the ins and outs of car insurance, not just for private use, but for businesses as well. Enough money to sink a ship is given out in excess due to ignorance of how car insurance is assessed and calculated. Most assume that insurance companies should be trusted to give fair and square deal; this is not the case purely down to the fact that insurance companies and of course insurance agents can get away with it.

Armed with a bit more knowledge and having an acute awareness of car insurance you can get cheap auto insurance every time and of course a better form of cover. Of course you should be aware that the are major penalties for no auto insurance, so skimping and taking a risk just isn’t worth it with police technology now able to single you out if insurance isn’t present. I won’t mention having an accident without insurance; that goes without saying.

To get an auto insurance quote from lots of companies is just one way of getting the best deals, but there are other ways that you can save money by adjusting the policy to suit you and exclude many options that you don’t need to bring the price down. It is well worth doing your research before paying any premiums over. You don’t have to wait until your car insurance expires you can act now, this may well save you even more money.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Valuable Steps for Google Adsense Earners

Valuable Steps for Google Adsense Earners style=

The Google AdSense program is like finding money in the street. Kids in High School are making thousands of dollars a month with Adsense... Housewives, Retiree's, Mom and Pop's who've never made a dime on the Internet have created full time incomes by simply placing AdSense Ads on their web site or blog. Then you have the "Super AdSense" earners. We have all heard of them... the Elite few who are on track to make half a million dollars a year or more promoting AdSense sites.

Do not be mistaken though... these people are not building like your Mom and Pop's do. They have systems in place that create sites for them... people who build sites for them... they have outsourced and automated many of the tedious tasks such as posting to blogs and searching for keywords.

While most people cannot emulate everything these Super AdSense earners do... many of them you can.

Here are 7 Required Steps you can implement today to copy their success.

1) Starting today... treat your AdSense business like it is a REAL business and track what you do.

Begin tracking what you are doing that works... as well as what you are doing that does not work. This will keep you from making the same mistakes over and over, and you can repeat the steps that have worked in the past. As simple as this step seems... most people do not know the reason(s) to their success or failure.

2) Utilize the latest tools and software available.

The Super AdSense earners are not any smarter than your average person. I know many people think they are... but for the most part, they are regular non techie people.

They are smarter in one respect though... they use the latest tools available to them to automate most of the tasks involved with researching and creating sites. They use the latest keyword, site creation and search engine optimization tools available. The tools they use are their secret weapons.

3) Quit chasing the Mega Dollar keywords.

You cannot compete with the search engine experts who create sites for the $80 payout keywords. You may get lucky every now and then... but in the long run, you are better off building sites for the low to mid range payout keywords. The competition is less, and your chance of success is much higher over the long term.

4) Choose broad niches and break it down.

Choose a broad subject as your main theme (lets use computers for an example). From there... break it down into as many sub niches as possible.

Using Computers as the example... you could build sub niches/sites like laptop computers, computer hard drives, computer keyboards, etc, etc. You could literally build hundreds of sites around one major theme and stay totally focused. Once you have exhausted every possible sub niche of that major theme... choose another main theme and repeat the process.


Keep your sites easy to navigate and forget the fancy graphics that distract your visitors attention. Unless you are just building AdSense sites for the fun of it and to impress your friends... the purpose of having the site is to have people click on one of the ads, right? Then keep the site layout simple... dump the scrolling banners, dancing chickens and colored scroll bars... they are distractions.

6) What is the purpose of your web site?

Your web site cannot be everything to everybody. If you have a full fledged ecommerce site, with products for sale... links to other products, it is not a good site for AdSense. If the primary focus of the site is to sell products... let it do that.

Do not distract or confuse your visitor with to many options or choices. The best AdSense sites are AdSense only content sites that sell nothing. They are sites that "Tell"... not "Sell."

7) Be consistent. This is not one of those deals where you build one site and you are done. Refer back to Step #4. You must continuously build in order to be successful.

Think of it as planting a crop that you will harvest in a month or two, and the sites you build are seeds. Once the seeds have grown and matured... you will reap the harvest. The more seeds you plant... the larger the harvest.

To sum it up... utilize the tools available to automate as much of the process of building sites - doing research and building keyword lists as you can. This alone will help keep you organized and on track. Be consistent in building... treat it like the business it is and you will reap the rewards of your harvest.

For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website :-

Author: harjeetkaur
Image by vincenthorn via Flickr

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