Thursday, 31 July 2008

TV Game Shows

Don't you wonder sometimes why you couldn't be there on television and answer that vital question correctly to earn a wad of cash?

Well what are you waiting for, how do you think others go there in the first place? I'll show you how.

Imagine yourself in front of a live audience knowing that millions of viewers have their eyes glued to you. the smallest mistake and they will all know. Could you deal with this? Is it worth the stress even though that possible million pound jackpot is dangling like a carrot in front of you?

Only you can answer that, it takes a certain type of person to tackle this way of earning. If you apply you will know whether you are that person as the routine vets every contestant to check whether they are suitable for the role of a contestant. If not you might be relegated at least to one of the live audience and still get a paid.

Look at your TV guide and count how many game shows are on TV in one day. It will take you some time to gather up the number considering all the TV channel that cover them. These programmes need contestants to win prizes and they advertise that fact.

To apply you will need to be aged over 18 years and a decent standard of general knowledge, common sense and some personality, this will fare you well to winning the prizes.

The main avenue for the television programmes to relay their wants is You will find all the latest game show events, information and current vacancies.

There are a couple of more that give you more opportunities to apply.

There are many other websites may help bring you to the attention of TV people looking for game show contestants.

You need to have a telephone number and email address or home address to apply for an application form. All this information will be on the particular website so you don't have to remember it all now.

If you have to ring a telephone number, the chances are it is a premium number and you will incur inflated costs from this. typically from £1 to 1.50 per minute. This is normal television practice now. This falls into insignificance with the chance to win thousands, so bear with it.

The chances are that you pre-screened by a telephone interview and/or have to post in your application asking for personal information and what experience you may have had in TV games shows. You will also be asked to send this with a recent photograph.

The pre-screening audition will normally be in a hired hall or conference centre. this will be in a City or big town local to you. You will be fed and water over the few hours it takes for the process. Because it is held locally to you home address they don't normally pay travelling expenses at this stage.

Once there all the adjudicators from television will be there to observe how you interact with others. they will listen to how you project your voice and deal with public speaking. Also they will test you general knowledge and judge whether you understand the format of the game.

You will hear over the next few weeks or months whether you have been successful and if you have you will get a date, a time and a venue when to show up for the briefing.

In this time you should practice answering questions at home with friends and watch as many of the programmes of the game show or quiz you are to appear on to get the feel.

The television folk are professional people and they will look after you and make sure you have a wonderful time, even if you don't win anything. you will have met celebrities and made new friends.

The bonus is the prizes you may end up winning, they could have a major affect on you and your family and set you up for life!

If you come away with nothing, you know you have the credentials to get there so why not try again, many do and make a living out of it, until they win the big one, then retire!


Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Completing Quizzes at Home

Another working from home idea for making dosh that will appeal for many reasons. There is a very good reason why you might consider this money making idea.

One very good reason is you don't have to be a mastermind to take part in these. The filling out quizzes at home enables you to take as much time as yo like to look up and research the answers. You can do this with hard copy reference books, or from the Internet. Also there is nothing to stop you popping down to your local library and researching there. Most of the facilities in libraries are free to use and there's always a librarian there to help you. So really as long as you can read you will not be handicapped in any way from finding answers to questions asked in these quizzes.

Some good Internet sites for these quiz competition are given here: - Everyday the winning quiz score gets a great prize that is totally free - This tests your knowledge with range of quizzes, registering is free - You can win multiple prizes and gain entry into many prize draws. - A trivia knowledge quiz with chances to win prizes.

There is normally a time limit to complete the quizzes but there will usually be more than enough time for you to have gathered your answers, filled in the details and been to the post box to submit your completed quiz to the all important quiz master.

Some Internet quiz sites provide funds for charities and this is a good fun way raise money for their good causes but you still get a prizes if you win. Here is on example: - They ensure as much as possible goes to charity but still give prizes!

Off line yo can find charities that run quizzes. Most charity shops will have some kind of competition running just visit them ans ask. If they don't they will know of others that do, they are always very helpful with your enquiries.

Say a charity sells 300 of the quiz sheets, to produce these they would have had to invest money on paper, printing and man hours spent composing the quiz sheet. These cost aren't much as volunteers are usually found but it still costs. More volunteers are needed to hand out the quiz sheets at say a pound each.

If they all sell that's £300 less the cost of production say £50 and £100 prize money, that's £150 to charities. Everyone wins and has a bit of fun.

Other at quizzes can be found in many magazines and newspapers with cash prizes of anything from £5 to £1000, many giving away holiday or new cars as prizes. Again the beauty is you can do all this at home and there is plenty of time to research you answers.

You won't become a millionaire but if you preserve you will win something and increase you general knowledge substantially and you can't put a prize on that!

Laundry Work For Money

Who likes ironing ? The more that answer with a 'No!' the better! great? The reason is it's a good omen for business, there is always someone else who can do it, possibly you!

If people hate or don't have time for ironing the chances are they will also want you to wash their clothes, towels, bed linen, tablecloths etc. They will pay a bit extra for the complete door to door service.

The business that can easily be set up at home with tools that you may already have in place. A washing machine and tumble drier, and iron and ironing board.

It is hard work and time consuming but you will get paid for all that and more if the person can't collect and deliver the laundry - A door to door service usually pays even more.

Let's split up the work.

The Washing

Most of the business will revolve around this service. It is simple enough, although you need to be aware that certain items cannot be put into a washing machine. Sorting out the colours from the white and the different temperature and programs needed for various material based items need attention to avoid disasters. Of course this sorting service should also account for another fee if needed.

The Drying

Tumble dry or washing line drying the latter saving on cost of course. But you really do need a decent good quality tumble drier to get all year round business.

The Ironing

Ironing give a professional finish to the service and the service should be offered in conjunction with the previous services or on it's own. Many people just HATE ironing. The work means a lot of standing around for hour on end, but can be done whilst watching TV, listening to the radio or even talking to friends you have around.

It is important that you have a smoke free zone in the ironing area, the last thing customers want is cigarette or cooking smell on their freshly ironed laundry.

You do need to be a non smoker and have a house or flat that is free from smokers - no-one wants to have their laundry and ironing back smelling of cigarette or cigar smoke.

The Door to Door Delivery Service

If you have a car or access to a car you can offer to collect and deliver the laundry and charge a little bit more. you will also improve you chances of getting work against others who do not provide this service. In essential the easier it is for the customer the more it will be appreciated and taken up.


The work you gain can quite easily build up to a full time occupation. If the service yo supply is good you will get referrals but it is better to help yourself by advertising and get more professional by getting business cards printed and handed out. Give customers a handful of the cards and if they like your service you know they will be given out. Business card can be made up easily and cheaply, even in vending machines at the bigger supermarkets. But my advice is get them done professionally and you will impress more customers for business.

A couple of online sites provide this service:

DIY Insurance

You need to check clothes for damage before you start the laundry service. This will insure that you don't get blamed for and damage, including rips, stains, iron burns or missing buttons/sequins that are apparent before your services were rendered.

Take the items in question to one side and return unprocessed, you can even offer to repair the items if yo have the skills to do this, another service you may want to offer.

The bottom line is, don't laundry damaged clothing without the customer being made aware that how they were when you received them.

Tools for the Trade

Washing Machine
The simple answer to this is get the best you can afford. The type of machine is also commensurate on how much work you want to take on. Don't get a built in tumble drying facility with the washing machine, just use it for washing and spinning.

Tumble Drier
Again, the best you can afford and the advice here. The reason you need a stand alone tumble drier are that dedicated machines are far better than multifunctional ones and it save time as you can tumble dry at the same time as the washing machine cycle running (and ironing for that matter).


A cheap iron is a false economy, what is really needed is a steam iron that can cope with the variety of clothing and different types of materials.

Ironing Board
The ironing board with height control that fits in comfortably at your height. Don't forget this will be your workplace and many hour will be spend by your ironing office.

Clothes basket

The plastic one are the best as the wicker type tend not to last as long and the wicker fragments after a time of use.


Incidental, if you buy new items solely for your business the total cost can offset on you tax returns along with other cost to do with the business, electricity, repairs etc.
The Contract

You need to have a standard contract or agreement of work that covers the eventuality of the loss of or damage to garments. In effect you will be telling the clients that you will not have to pay for any damage caused by wear and tear or items that delivered to you that were damaged accidental or otherwise whilst in your care.

Take you time over the contract as it could damage you profits if you don't get the agreement in the first instance. Look at other contracts drawn up by other laundry businesses and get you drafts from them.

Honest is the best policy i you have damaged garments or had a catastrophe don't try and hide it. Be honest own up and apologise offering some kind of compensation. You will retain their services if you stick to that policy. On the other hand if you try and cover this up, they will know, you will lose their work and others they had recommended to use you.

Finally, don't forget to register as a business with the tax office and all who need to know. If your profits exceed as certain amount you are required by law to do this. Chack out this siter for the current rates : Income-tax-rates-2007-8

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Cash for Secret Stories

Blogging to monetize isn't new, it has been around for as long as anyone can remember. It just wasn't called blogging in the old days but writing stories or articles for cash. If you have no scruples about what you write about personally there could be big money in it for you.

There is a contention nowadays that blogging has created many bloggers with many enemies, many whom they write about with a truths that couldn't be said face to face. Blogging brings out a whole new courage of expression. This can be utilised into real cash the traditional way through hard copy publications.

Newspapers, magazines and many other publications are crying out for stories that have a personal saga, scandal or shock value. Even TV producers are on the lookout for material that can be not just a money spinner for you. It is said that nothing is as dramatic or indeed surreal as a real life story.

Why are the publisher so interested in paying lots of money for the true stories? It is a simple case of supply and demand. The public take a deep founded interested in other people's real life drama. So, if you have a true story to tell you may well be able to sell it to a newspaper, magazine or television company for money.

It should normally be exclusive to one publisher, unless there is a mutual agreement to waive that in the contract you draw up. Besides that, the fees you will get are higher with just one publisher.

If you know about tabloid newspapers then you know what stories they like. If you have looked at magazines such as Reveal, Bella or Chat, you will also get a good idea of what sells. It is worth doing a bit of research beforehand to get the picture in your head as to which magazine would be best suited to your story. There are many areas that appeal including love sagas, betrayal, hearts of gold, tragedy, heroism and conquering death. These topics of true life stories will always hit the mark.

The list really is a long one as long it holds up readable editors will always pay, after all if it sells more magazines or newspapers it is in their interest.

Downsides to all this is something you should be fully aware of. Getting paid well for this happens but for your short period of fame and fortune the long term could be difficult. you will be in the public eye and be judged. Some offering an opinion that you don't want to hear. Some may empathise with you and will open up and offer a few words of encouragement.

From obscurity your story will be a personnel and intimate public display then suddenly the public will know lots about you and your secrets. It may be that many may feel they know you now and will approach you where ever you are and discuss personal details about your life. Could you cope with this? Could you also cope with possibly losing friends or even family you have, this cold be an implication if they are part of the true story.

These matter s aside you may wish to just clear things up in your life, kind of clear the air and get it off your chest, many do and feel better for it when out of the closet.

Back to practicalities to get the best deal you should consider going through a specialist agency they can often negotiate a much higher fee from publishers. So, this really is a good killing for a wad of money if you have a story to tell and what's more, it could lead to other things if the story is good and interesting enough.

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Free Scratchcards Winnings

Playing free scratch cards and where to safely play free scratchcards online is another avenue of earning but what a the good and bad points of this option?

Scratchcard have been around for some time now either online or free with a publication and you've probably had a go like most other people. Who can resist the temptations of a win for nothing as the scratching starts and the thoughts of that Plasma TV or luxury holiday just around the corner. Did you win the big one? No, the chances of the big prizes are of course rare with extreme odds put against it.

There are a number of different names these scratch cards come under: Freescratchcards, instant win game, scratch to match, scratch off, scratch2cash, free scratchcards, scratch and win, scratch ticket, scratcher, scratch prize tickets, scratch game and many others.

The main format of scratchcards are to match icons from panels in mutiples of three, where the player takes a coin and rubs off a film to reveal the results. In the case of online systems the mouse is used on the panel to reveal symbols.

Themes are varied and colourful and an array of topics ranging from simple one arm bandits to Outer Space. The winners have to get a designated series of matching symbols.

All for free and a chance to win, why is this such a give away? There is a reason in so much that it can certainly lead to to become an addict and playing more and more games and parting with cash.

Websites sometimes let you play free online scratch cards with instant notification telling you whether you have won or lost. You will find that you will win on many occasions and to claim your prize you need to give your name and e-mail address some asking for your address, telephone number, occupation, marital status, salary range, age, date of birth, number of children and your shoe size! A massive amount of information, there's a reason.

These website are a front sometimes to gather information and use for illegal purposes. The password you use on this particular site may inadvertently be the same as for your online bank account? Get ready for spam, phone calls and junk mail.

The trade off to your will are your personal information to sell to third parties?

You do get your prize but on many occasions it may be prize points to play again or spend on their website. More chance of you getting addicted and possibly start spending on the form of your success.

Other games will be introduced such as some bingo, casino, poker, slot machines, card games and other instant win games. you are gradually becoming a slave to the system. Bear in mind that even professional gamblers and go out of business.

Most website do pay out the winning promised therefore money can be made. But this is a business that is risky unless you set firm guidelines for yourself and have the discipline and non distraction. So if you do not have these attributes it would be best to avoid earning extra money in this way but find something else that is not addictive.

Gambling has always had a bad press and for good reason. For a bit of fun, in between more serious money making, great, but it certainly isn't a get rich quick scheme.

If you do decide to go along with it just set yourself time limits and see how it goes.

Friday, 25 July 2008

Pyramid Schemes

All Pyramid schemes are a scam, that's all they are and with that all you get from them is bitterness and misery.

Pyramid schemes were started in the 1960s and became popular and drew big news in the media, mainly due to the scam association linked with them. After all the bad publicity it died a little death in the 1980s but now with the birth of the Internet pyramid schemes have seen a new light and many just like moths at night, can't but help being drawn to it.

In order for you not to fall into the trap I will be explaining what Pyramid schemes are how they work and how a great amount of money can't be made.

What is a Pyramid Scheme

To start an investors deposits a lump sum of cash, then they enrolling other investors to do the same and the idea is that they get a massive return for their investment.

The principle is very simple but in reality pyramid schemes just don't get a return for their investment and in many cases lose all of their original investment. There is only one person making any money from this type of scheme, that's the person at the top of the pyramid; the creator of the scam.

The scammer is in a position to reap the benefits from everyone fool enough to be tiered under them, sending money, cheques etc. then they just disappear without trace, with the loot.

Other Names For Pyramid Schemes

Pyramid scheme scams have been disguised by con men and con women by calling them many other names. Here are a few you may recognise:

Donation Club - Women Empowering Women - Liberty Scheme - People in Profit - Circles of Success - Calculator Scheme - Gifting Circles - (and here's a good one) Debt Reduction Schemes. There may well be more but you will know for sure once you know the scheme and read in between the lines of the contract.

Money Pyramid Scheme

A variation on a pyramid theme but still essentially a classical pyramid scheme and a scam.

There is a time set where the investor has to sign up a declared number of investors, just two more would give them a profit but the investment sum to be invested is several thousand pounds.

One of the secrets to failure with this is the time scale, often as low as one week or a month. If they achieve their target within this time they are promised high returns with such a high investment value.

The appeal is that carrot of such a high return of profit in such a short amount of time. Friends and family are often pressurised into joining up as an investor to prevent the loss of their original investment.

Pyramid Schemes - The Problems

There are two things that makes pyramid scheme so popular and the main reason people get involved with them, financial desperation and greed. These are two separate reasons and both are reason enough to take the 'risk' albeit advertised as no risks involved.

The first is the desperation to earn money, usually people who of a poor disposition and desperately need the money for their families. They are easily entices with the promotion that is laid out of big fast returns, even to the point of loaning the money for the initial investment. It is so unfortunate that these people became even worse off than they were before the business.

It has social implications tied up with it as many are so desperate to get their sign ups or second tiers that they would resort to harassing people to join up. The result is not only the lost their investment, but also the loss of many friends and relatives. In return they have made enemies from the bad business they had spread. Some even losing their retirement savings, losing their homes or going bankrupt from debts accrued.

The greed factor is the second reason, many knowing it is a scam but go ahead thinking that the profit they make will far outweigh the guilt of conning others into the game of pyramids. It may be that the failure of the business by those who were led by greed only have themselves to blame but how many other do they drag down with them?

The pyramid would collapse when the tiers of investors just don't materialise and this is where the scam factor hits home. It is not an ever ending roundabout of profit for all. In addition to this there would be small print in a contract that if the investor did not achieve a set number of lower level investors by a set time frame then they would lose all of their initial investment.

The top level pyramid investors or the creators gets their money while the pyramid collapses below them, but they have already banked and gone before the complete collapse.

Are All Pyramid Schemes A Scam?

Yes! That's the only answer you will get from looking at all these pyramid schemes. If anyone claims that a pyramid scheme is not a scam, they are either foolish or setting up a pyramid scheme themselves!

A bit about Matrix Schemes

People join this the 'hope' of getting a product when they rise to the top of the pyramid by getting a designated number of sign ups under them. It is the same as a conventional pyramid scheme but the rewards are products i.e. new brands of televisions, laptops and other high priced luxury goods. Don't get sucked in.

And Finally

If you want to make money, just avoid all pyramid schemes like the plague and try something else.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Play Internet Quizzes for Money

Making a bit of dosh on the side is not all about hard work you can have a but of fun whilst earning. The money isn't regular but you still get that little extra all the same and have more irons in the fire if you do these.

Are Internet quizzes for you? Making money it's also about using your strengths, this is money in the bank. So, if general knowledge is one of your strengths, use it to you advantage Playing Internet quizzes could be for you if this is the case.

There are countless websites on the Internet where prizes are given for quizzes. Most give prizes as a lead to registering to their site. There are lots of subjects matter to choose from, sports, television, films, food and drink etc. These sites earn their money from advertising which can be a bit distracting as banner ads flash up between questions.

A bit about e-mail addresses. You will be asked for an e-mail address so that more mailing ads and offers can be sent to you.. If you set up a specific email just for Internet quizzes then this would save your everyday e-mail account being cluttered up with junk mail. You need to check the email account as this is where you will find post telling you whether you have won.

Large cash prizes are usually up for offer as prizes as they are normally sponsored, what's more these competitions are not made up but real as the winners names are published usually on the home page.

Most quizzes are based on an easy starting point then becoming increasingly difficult. A good tip is to take you time with the answers ensuring they are correct. 'Wild card' prizes are quite common where someone who gets to a certain position for that day get a prize, more luck than judgement with this but still there is prize at the end of it.

The quizzes vary in their format, some are just short sessions others a day long process and other extended over weeks, the latter usually to build up points and the prized awarded to the competitor with the most.

I have found a few Internet quiz sites that offer a variety of prizes on different formats, there are of course many more, you just need to pick some that suit you.

Finally, Internet quizzes are no guarantee of a regular income but if you have a good knowledge base you are more likely to win here than on other Internet competitions. The whole point is it's fun and the cash prizes usually pay out well.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

eBay Trading

Do you know of someone who hasn't heard of eBay? If you do they must have been on the moon for quite a while now. Ebay is a household name; 10 years ago, who would have thought that an online auction site would be as big as it is now. If only I'd thought of it then!

Why is it so big?

People like bargains, they like getting good value for money and that's what eBay does. People also like the idea of making a little income, it is a win win situation with eBay. Added to this is the fact that it is a fun way to shop with a degree of buzz and excitement about it. With auctions being addictive and eBay is no exception, once hooked it become a passion.

The World's biggest Online Marketplace now has over one million registered users in the UK. This means that there is bound to be someone who'll pay for something you want to sell.

The best way to get started is look for stuff you don't want such as clothes old CDs toys etc. This way you will make a clear profit on everything you sell. From thereon you might want to move up to buying in bulk and selling individual item. You can even buy in bulk on eBay so you don't even have to search far.

Just like blogging people tend to trade in stuff they like, if they have a passion for fishing they will sell fishing related stuff. It helps if you can write a good load of information about the product you sell, this gives more confidence to buyers which is why it is useful to know a bit about the products.

There are thousands who make a living from eBay sales and countless more who just use it for that extra income. How much time you put into it is down to you, you do not have a boss. That's the beauty of it, you are your own boss.

I wold highly recommend having a look at this means of Dosh 4 U as it is a lucrative business and the ideals behind it are geared to recycling, something that has a 'green' appeal.

Check the site out, even if you don't trade it's fun to surf.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Get Paid For Surveys and More

Here is an exciting new way of making some extra income. It is simply doing paid surveys.

Without companies getting feedback for customers preferences they won't know what focus to put into business the following year. It is vitally important that business get this information.

The good news is that companies pay a great deal of money for this information which is why when surveys are completed the pay is very good.

Ьfter the initial sign up, you can work on online completing surveys.

Depending on how many surveys you complete depends on how much extra income you earn. Some opt for just a couple others actually make a living out of it full time. Whatever you decide, it's entirely up to you how much time you wish to dedicate to paid surveys.

Earning for individual survey can range from $5 - $75 with most surveys take less than 15 minutes to complete.

It's not only online survey that are on offer here. There are online focus groups paying up to $150 and hour, testing new products and getting paid for it as well as keeping the products.

For more information and applications etc. just click here for the link.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Campus Brand Manager

There is an increasing population of students, not only from the homeland but from other countries. With this you may well be one, if you are this is a good way to earn a but more. Lets be honest, you need more than a student loans to survive on.

Many different types of companies are looking for students to promote themselves to the student populations on campus. The range of promotions can be from sportswear through to energy drink or even film companies.

Your business acumen will be tested for sure as there are countless opportunities to demonstrate these credentials. Be warned though, the work involved is time consuming and you may have to work around a timetable so your studies aren't affected.

The average pay for this is around £300 a term. There are some firms who also pay in a commission basis which may of may not exceed this minimum flat rate.

To find out more about this you need to look on student notice job boards, that's where the firms will target their ads. You will also find many companies that will visit the campus on a recruitment run. Ask your information officer at the institution they will know.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Paid for Fame

You don't have to be a film star to get paid for acting. but you can get paid. Obviously not as much as the stars, more likely to be a three figured sum, but you might get more work than them. It's called being and extra and often these companies need hundreds of extras for their productions

Production companies are always in need people of all shapes and sizes. Whether you consider yourself ugly or pretty, whether old or young but not too young, you need to be over 18. Mind you if you look younger than 18 you'll find lots of companies begging for you. The reason? Quite simply down to money, you can save them the cost of a carers for a child actors.

When you find get the contracts it can mean a lot of waiting around, that's normal for actors, but you get paid for that. Also don't expect to meet any famous stars, its' very much upstairs and downstairs in this business.

You can expect to get paid a minimum of £85 a day and extra for supplying your own clothing or providing a filmed 'walk-on' routine. there is also overtime is paid at around £11-12 an hour.

For more information I have given a list of three typical agencies, of course there are many more if you hunt around. If you visit enough there will certainly be work for you. Many just don't know this work is around!

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Police Money

There are a number of ways to make money, and you don't have to be sitting glued to you PC or laptop for months to do it. You can quite simply get up and do something else. In fact it is a good tonic and will give you a break and renewed vigour doing something different. Bit like a busman's holiday, you're still making money but somewhere else

The police station is somewhere you can go to make money. What I ask you say?

Taking part in identity parades is very easy money you just have to stand and do nothing. What other ways could be as easy as making money doing that? The work is naturally irregular and may depend on your appearance of course but it may be a valuable supplement to other paid work.

It is the case that many police forces now use video line-ups but you can still get a one-off fee of £10 for being filmed.

The average pay is around £10 for the first hour and £5 each hour after.

So, why not walk to your local police station and ask for more information?

Friday, 18 July 2008

Buying Books - Why?

So many businesses now are online to sell you money making secrets in the form of a book. Either a hard copy or an ebook.

Ever got one an read it? Did it ever turn you into a money making business? Thought not.

All these book consist of is regurgitated information that has already been published on a public domain. It is a wolf dressed up in sheep's clothing. You give yo money you receive the book but what you learn yo already know. The information is just another person telling yo the same story.

So why buy books in the first place. Well they make it sound so attractive, a can't fail plan just waiting for you and the promise of no financial outlay. Bullshit! That just doesn't happen in business and is a ploy quite simply for yo to let go of money to buy their material.

Wise up guys, most of these publications you could write and sell, hang on, why don't you?

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Are U Stupid?

Some things just make you mad! This did, as they must think most people are STUPID!

Well maybe some are and to be quite honest that's who they are aiming to get, that's where THEY make their money.

Take a look at this intro....

"Don't Waste My Time...

Let's get something straight. I'm a jerk. I'm obnoxious. And I'm lazy.

And I don’t care, because I'm FILTHY RICH.

I'm much too important to even be sitting here writing this right now. So I'll keep it short.

I make several million dollars every year on the internet, doing almost nothing. You can see some proof here but please keep the drooling to a minimum.

Have you seen proof like that anywhere else? Didn't think so.

Do you make that much money? Didn't think so.
So Who the Hell Am I?"

Do you really think that this is a professional introduction to a legitimate and 'real' Internet enterprise?

Just don't go there and use your common sense.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Ask Questions

It is a skill you can acquire quite easily with lots of practise, Something that many aren't that good either because of their personality or because they just don't know the importance of it.

People have problems, dreams, aspirations and hope, listening to them and asking questions about it is a skill that will benefit you enormously.

Business consultants are the maestros in this field and a leaf out of their book will always benefit your own business knowledge. Ask people what problems are, what issues they have or what kind of challenges they face in their business. Opportunities for your own business in solving these problems is something you can pick up on and take advantage of.

Helping people fulfil their dreams is helping you fulfil your own dreams by providing a vehicle for others. Giving answers to questions is a business, providing goods or a service to help others solve their problems is a guaranteed way of making a successful business.

It feels good as well!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Opposite Ideas Attract

Okay so you have an idea, it's not brilliant but has potential and needs developing. Keep it to one side and take another idea that is totally unrelated and try and marry them up.

Another way is to have brainstorm sessions, never alone of course, and come up with many ideas. Pick two ideas that are far removed from each other and try and see whether they can compliment each other with the opposite factors.

This is just another way to create new ideas from existing one and is well worth the effort to try and make it work. Sometime two ideas just click together and would never have been found without using this system to create them.

Try it out and see what you can find as unorthodox methods of idea sourcing and planning often work better than the 'beating a dead horse' system.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Daily Learning

Improving yourself, your skills and adding a wealth of knowledge is something that takes time. It needs to be developed over a long period with lots of little step along the way. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. It's as simple as that.

Try to learn something new every day. talk to people from work, friends and neighbours, talk everyone and they will talk back to you. Take on board everything you read from websites, magazines, books, even graffited walls. Try your best to read something that will enlarge your knowledge and do this everyday of your life.

If you are into online businesses or for that matter any other business it is in your interests to read up about that business on a regular basis, that way you will gain a massive advantage on those who don't.

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Thinking Map

Sometimes we need strategies to help us with idea and plans. Many of these are tried and trusted but not many people know about them. It's not a secret , just something that people don't take advantage of. There are so many tips and advice going around that some very useful techniques just get missed or left behind.

Draw a thinking map is one of those idea enhancing techniques that are under-rated. Essentially it is a diagram used to depict words, ideas, errands or other factors linked to and arranged around a key word or idea. It is used to produce a graphic based groups of ideas in a study based format. Organization is it's prime objective with problem solving, decision making, and writing solutions coming from it.

This is something well worth investing time in if you want to explore fully certain fields of work.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Keep An Open Mind

Successful ideas comes from keeping and open mind, if you are blinkered to opportunities they will just past yo by and your competitors will take them up and beat you with them.

An open mind therefore is vitally important because these ideas can come at you from any angle. Some of the best ideas come from the least expected places and sometimes seem stupid or impossible from where your experience is right now.

You have to try and explore the world with a third ear and eye to catch these precious moments of inspiration. Look and listen to things trying to put yourself in a different position, this sometime means getting out of yourself and listening to others who may see things differently from you. Take the alternative views and it turns impossible ideas concepts that you would never have thought of now possible

Friday, 11 July 2008

Check the Opposition

If you are a football manager and have to playing a foreign team you knew nothing about in a few days time, what would you do?

You would research and find all the strengths and weaknesses of the team so when in competition you have a better chance of winning.

It is no different with online businesses. Research see what else is out there that is similar. Look at potential competition and keep notes on what you find.

Make the most of search engines to look for similar ideas, businesses or products and take notes on them. You will become a much stronger force against you competion if you know what they are up to and it will give you more ideas to play with.

Thursday, 10 July 2008


Don't keep things to yourself, if you have a business idea talk about it. Many people feel valued for being asked for an opinion furthermore they may enhance or inspire the idea put to them. Talk to your partner, even talk to yourself that may sound crazy but sometimes it really does help.

An idea always looks different if from looking at it from your own point of view which is why it is so valuable to get a different angle from others. They will spot flaws that you may well have not noticed. From that point alone it will save you time and effort realising this for yourself later down the line.

Never forget, it's free to talk which means free advice.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Write it Down

In this day and age of computers and word processing there is something we often overlook which is of great benefit to us. Quite simply, writing things down.

If yo suddenly come up with an idea, write it down, if yo don't you may miss that idea later. It serves a very useful purpose indeed. If you keep a list of ideas you will arrive at a point in time where your ideas might dry up. Where do you go from here? Just refer to your list and you will find a plethora of ideas noted down on previous occasions. Very useful indeed don';t you think?

So, keep a pad and pencil or some form of device that can write notes with you at all times, you never know when an idea will come and therefore be ready to record it.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Go To Bed

It's quite strange that the best policy for solving problems or ideas is to go to bed. Why?

If a solution cannot be found and you are pulling your hair out for the answer, it is best sometimes to sleep on it. In other words distance yourself away from the problem which will be still churning around in your subconscious mind while in relax mode.

Later or the next day your mind will have surveyed the problem and provide you with more ideas on how to achieve and answer and it didn't involve work!

So if faced with a dilemma sleep on it, it will be okay the next morning.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Ideas Expected

Business is about having ideas for without them you're stuffed!

It is always the case that you have to believe in yourself to create ideas. In other words if you bleieve that you will create ideas then you will and likewiase if you don't you won't!

It is a positive aspect that give ideas the room to develop, qite a simple process of gearing you mind to expect ideas to happen. Once in place it will it is a fact that many don't realise.

Put aside doubts in your mind about coming up with ideas and that all you need to do. Try it!

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Mile High Club

Thought this was quite a novel idea for a business so I'm sharing it with you.

"The Mile High Club"

" … tonight I came across a story about a mile high tower being built somewhere and it triggered a thought. Why doesn’t someone run a private jet service that caters exclusively to people who want that James Bond Mile High Club experience. How hard would it be to convert a small plane to have an isolated bedroom chamber?

There would be almost no startup advertising costs, really after a few well placed press releases the concept would absolutely go viral.

Which struck me as a good, probably new business idea. Like all “new business ideas” however it turns out it’s already been done; one of the commentors pointed out that Mile High Atlanta already offers such a service. The trouble is they do it in a PA32:"

Written by Michael Gray

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Thinking Time

Doing something is quite easy, commiting yourself to an action without thought in this day and age of speedy communication by the click of a mouse button.

How many time have you wished you never sent that email, signed up for a subscription, gone into a link you didn't want or even delete something you didn't want to delete? Many times I'm sure.

The point I'm trying to get over in this message is, always have a little thinking time before execution. I few seconds of though can save so much time and money. Undoing things is always much harder and sometimes it is actually impossible to undo.

Sending emails, always read through and think, what do I want to say, am I saying it, is there stuff here I don't need to say? Short emails are much more efficient than long winding ones. People like to get a clear message.

Committing yourself to subscription. Do you really want this, can I unsubscribe without getting 1000's of spam associated with it? You've been here before, do you want to go there again this time. A little thought give you more hours in the day.

Trying to get thing done as quickly as possible is the way of the world, take a step back and think about it. You are your own boss and dictate your own pace. Not slow but carefully with thought, there is a big difference.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Success Never Comes Alone

Business people who are succesful are not people who try and do everything themselves. It makes total sense not to. Everyone has their limitations and wise people know where to stop.

Using other people who have other experiences, skills and motivation in other areas are used to move the business forward.

Support of this kind would be unaffordable with a new business in the main but if time is taken to look and investigate web pages on the Internet, you find who can help your business from experts within.

You don’t need to be stinking rich to benefit from partnering with others or other conpanies, just use you good business idea and your determination to become rich. That means getting out and finding others who will fight for success together. Ths is especially true in the Internet business where the money lifeline is always communication.

It's all about communication and without that you may well be alone in your business and stay there fighting alone. Battle of business are won through partnerships and good relationships with others, you need other people to become successful.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Internet Marketing Education (4)

The final part of the series of advice to make money from the internet by education yourself is attending and completing training seminars.

If you are serious about your new business venture and commited totally to making it a success with money behind you to support you then this is a must.

This is the most expensive form of training but the best in terms of multi-sensory learning. Most seminars involve a structured base of learning with a 'hands on' learning medium.

The cost may come as high as a few thousand pounds as they can cover up to a week in a specified location requiring lodging, but the rewards of this investment come later.

Having now covered a range of education openings, refusal to take any of them up will be at your peril. The only advantage on a non educational path in Internet Marketing Education is to your competitors.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Internet Marketing Education (3)

Still on the subject of giving yourself a head start and a more than equal chance than your competitors, further advice is now given about educating yourself to earn money online effectively.

There are many training course open to new Internet Marketing businesses. Some are free but many involve a fee. The fees vary greatly from the very cheap to the extraordinarily expensive!

Yet again the message coming through here is, do your research, find out which course of training is suitable to you and weigh up the costs. If you have to pay for something that is relevant to your business that is better than signing up for a free course that will not benefit you.

Again, I have a few sources where I trained up, but these are relevant only to my business and may not be of use to you.

Use your search methods economically to pinpoint the training course for you.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Internet Marketing Education (2)

As said before, Education yourself for a new skill and trade is essentiall to aid you business success. If you don't you competitor will

Continuing with the options you have for Internet Marketing Education
we now look at a methods that involves ebooks.

Although very useful, informative and eye opening for Internet Business education there is also lot of crap about.

If you are unsure about which ebooks are up your street, then use the forums to get feedback on books that have been reviewed. You will save alot of time and money that way. Research is always at the forefront of any Internet purchase.

I myself have found a few that were invaluable to my business, bit of course I'm keeping that secret to myself!
