Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Cash for Secret Stories

Blogging to monetize isn't new, it has been around for as long as anyone can remember. It just wasn't called blogging in the old days but writing stories or articles for cash. If you have no scruples about what you write about personally there could be big money in it for you.

There is a contention nowadays that blogging has created many bloggers with many enemies, many whom they write about with a truths that couldn't be said face to face. Blogging brings out a whole new courage of expression. This can be utilised into real cash the traditional way through hard copy publications.

Newspapers, magazines and many other publications are crying out for stories that have a personal saga, scandal or shock value. Even TV producers are on the lookout for material that can be not just a money spinner for you. It is said that nothing is as dramatic or indeed surreal as a real life story.

Why are the publisher so interested in paying lots of money for the true stories? It is a simple case of supply and demand. The public take a deep founded interested in other people's real life drama. So, if you have a true story to tell you may well be able to sell it to a newspaper, magazine or television company for money.

It should normally be exclusive to one publisher, unless there is a mutual agreement to waive that in the contract you draw up. Besides that, the fees you will get are higher with just one publisher.

If you know about tabloid newspapers then you know what stories they like. If you have looked at magazines such as Reveal, Bella or Chat, you will also get a good idea of what sells. It is worth doing a bit of research beforehand to get the picture in your head as to which magazine would be best suited to your story. There are many areas that appeal including love sagas, betrayal, hearts of gold, tragedy, heroism and conquering death. These topics of true life stories will always hit the mark.

The list really is a long one as long it holds up readable editors will always pay, after all if it sells more magazines or newspapers it is in their interest.

Downsides to all this is something you should be fully aware of. Getting paid well for this happens but for your short period of fame and fortune the long term could be difficult. you will be in the public eye and be judged. Some offering an opinion that you don't want to hear. Some may empathise with you and will open up and offer a few words of encouragement.

From obscurity your story will be a personnel and intimate public display then suddenly the public will know lots about you and your secrets. It may be that many may feel they know you now and will approach you where ever you are and discuss personal details about your life. Could you cope with this? Could you also cope with possibly losing friends or even family you have, this cold be an implication if they are part of the true story.

These matter s aside you may wish to just clear things up in your life, kind of clear the air and get it off your chest, many do and feel better for it when out of the closet.

Back to practicalities to get the best deal you should consider going through a specialist agency they can often negotiate a much higher fee from publishers. So, this really is a good killing for a wad of money if you have a story to tell and what's more, it could lead to other things if the story is good and interesting enough.



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