Friday, 9 July 2010

A Change Of Name And Web Address For Doshforu.

To save money Doshforu is now back with its old friend Blogspot and the new address is You may have noticed that the name has changed slightly as well from doshforu to dosh4u. Shorter is always better.

It makes sense to get a free service that offers exactly the same from a paid service, so why not? Saving is as good as earning don't forget!
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Thursday, 24 June 2010

Repair Your Credit And Save Money

Credit cards
Any business needs a clean bill of health in respect of financial clout and that also includes the business individuals. Without a decent credit rating you are always going to be at a disadvantage in many areas of deals that are sought and just complicates things that should be quite simple like hiring a car.

So if your credit rating is not up to scratch for what ever reason and you just don't know where to start, why not let an expert take it onboard and get your credit rating repaired?

The results of people who have had this service done for them is quite surprising to those who doubt the effectiveness the results give. You can quite simply take on Repair My Credit Now (rmcn) and get rmcn rankings to spur your finances giving you more flexibility with credit access. A rmcn ranking will in effect take the financial ball and chain away and give you more freedom, in effect giving you more opportunity to get better credit deals as lower interest rates are always given to those who have good credit ratings. Saving money is as good as making money don't forget.
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Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Business Grants For The Taking

Most money making ideas need investment. Many people without funds to get their ideas and business up and running think they are on a non-starter without funds. Well they should think again as in many cases there is no reason you can't start up a business from scratch. This is sometimes true without having to invest. The main thing to qualify is having a business that is viable with a business plan drawn up that will work and make a profit on paper.

Let me assure you that it isn't all about taking on loans which have to be paid back with interest that is sky high. There are funds out there, especially after a massive recession that try to encourage entrepreneurs and business owners to draw upon. Many political policies of governments have put sums of money aside to fuel the economy again and this is an area that anyone looking to start a new or expand an existing business should search for.

There is an easier way though. What is needed here is a system that explores the avenues that are open and specialise in keeping up to date with new grants and schemes directly they come out. Looking online is probably the most effective, cheapest and most sensible place to start looking for such business grant information sources. In fact it would not be a good business practice not too!

The message here is if you are starting up or want to inject you existing business with expansion, you now know where to look in the first instance. 

Sunday, 6 June 2010

How To Earn Money By Doing Nothing - Huh!

How many of you really believe that you will make money by doing absolutely nothing? Quite a few it seem by the very fact that many of these claims are followed up by people who do! How crazy are they?

First and foremost, if you see any claim that tells you you will get money for doing nothing, just don't believe a word of it. In this competitive world, especially online money making, nothing is free. Nothing is given away without a profit made by people along the line and by no means least, no one earns money online by doing nothing. On the contrary, people earn little money by doing lots and that is the case!

If an ad tells you that you can earn a little money by spending all day online there will still be many takers, so why don't they just tell the truth in the first instance? Quite simply there are too many people whose greed and stupidity lead them to fall for the scams that remain online purely for their benefit.

how many times have genuine and honest bloggers been giving this advice out? Too long, some people are just blind to their false dream of get rich quick methods that just aren't around.

Helping you through the maze of money making

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Horse Racing For Fun Or Serious Business?

Funny you know. In the space of a week there has been been a big interest in horse betting. Maybe because this time of the years many big horse racing events take place around the world and it is in the media's eye right now.

I would say the vast majority of horse racing betting is done for fun and the profit is a bonus if it happens. This is fine, but for the more serious contenders the advice is to do your homework on form etc. After all, it is like any other business really where market research is all important to eliminate losses and increase profits. If you do horse betting then it is well worth the effort if you put the time and effort in.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Be A Phone Or Email Answering Agent

Money can be made in so many ways, how about an email or phone answering service. You can be first in line of a company's telephone or email communication system and it pays well! 

Company's pay well for a good polite service on phone or online. Your role will be whittle out the need for uncalled for service visits that are so expensive by answering easy questions that you will have been briefed in. The amount of money saved by using this service that you can offer is tremendous and therefore the demand is ripe. At the end of the day is is a cost cutting service you are providing and a valuable service and that's why they pay well. 

There are also jobs that are linked to this type of work by attending your PC and text chatting to users who've have reached a company's website by clicking the help button. This again is a big bonus to companies who look for effective personnel to take this role. Sometimes of course a bit of training is involved which is needed to be an effective consultant on the helpline.

My Friend the Poor Gambler

I have a friend who gambles, I have known him for 40 years and his habit has plagued him for all this time. He only tells people when he has won and keeps quite when he loses. 

Needless to say he is quite most of the the time and his winnings are in most cases are squandered on rounds of drinks celebrating. In effect there is no profit in his gambling business.

Most of his betting is done on horse betting and he takes tips from strangers in the main which is not a good business practice. this is not recommended as a way of making money of course. Just a warning here.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Lemonade Stands But Not Necessarily Lemonade

Making money takes many forms but in the main it is a simple concept of simply giving goods or service for a fee that bring you some profit out of it. This is how the money world goes round since time began and not much has changed throughout that time.

Usually the simplest business is the most effective and this is where this particular idea may well appeal to many, especially now the summer season is more or less in progress. Lemonade stands may sound rather American and old fashion, but over the decades it never fails to be a success. There are three reasons behind this.

  1. In hot weather people want a cold refreshing drink
  2. The outlay and stock of the business is cheap and with no real financial risk, (lemonade has a long shelf life)
  3. You will always make a profit if you undercut retail/shop prices of goods

There are two important points to make the most of the potential profits, location and weather. You may think that summer is the only time this business can make money, but you'd be wrong. Hot beverages can be just as popular in the winter as cold drink in the summer.

The most convenience place to set up this type of business is at a local community fair, or sale if you can get permission or even as a mobile service is a tray can be made like those old fashioned popcorn and nut sellers in the cinema.

Having a variety of drink is also going to widen you market, coca cola is always going to be a popular choice for many but you may want to also have pepsi as well. Make sure the prices are slightly lower than the local shops sell them for and give a straw with each drink as a bonus.

With regular runs you will get to know your market and they will get to know you, don't forget to enjoy their drink, tell their friends and call again. Service with a smile makes a big difference as well.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Horse Racing Betting - Good Business?

Thoroughbred racing at Churchill Downs.
Horse racing is said to be the sport of Kings and attracts the hierarchy of society at big meets, but it is also a sport for the pleb who might want to make a few bucks from betting. Although not my scene at all there are those in the know who make a good living from horse race betting.

The secret is all about information and form which takes time and effort. you can of course just get lucky but that is not a good business ethic. Experience and calculating betting is the only way to make a success of this form of money making enterprise in the long term.

I never gamble on horse racing betting for the simple reason that I don't know anything about horses. I know a bit about donkeys as I used to own one, but pure breed racehorses is not an area I am familiar with. Goodness knows how much money I would have lost if gambling on a sport I know nothing about - there are of course millions of others who also know nothing but still put on a horse racing bet often!

The Dosh for U advice here for horse race betting is simply not to bother betting at all unless you read up, study and know the true odds. It is only the select few who do this who make a decent living out of it.
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Sunday, 4 April 2010

How To Avoid Your Business Going Bust

Business Plan in a Day book
Businesses going bust is a common occurrence but in most cases this can be avoided simply by taking sensible and objective actions to prevent it. Unfortunately these are not taken until it is to late for a recovery plan. Therefore if you find yourself beginning to follow the route of your business going bust then now is the time to take note and make sure a u-turn is made.

I have given areas that should be addressed which should form an action plane to steer you on the route to success again. You will wonder why this wasn't done before if implemented and put into place

  • Not having a business plan seems like a fundamental error in any business, do you have one? If not it is no wonder you are heading along the road to failure. Get on up and running straight away. Who knows, your business may not be a goer if you make one. You may as well quite now before building up too many debts. On the other hand, you will see the way forward to profit if a viable plan is made.
  • Technology is essential in any business. Ff you are not up there keeping pace with it your competitor are and you are again on the road to failure by not. This is the 21st Century the age of new technology, if you don't use it you will end up like the dinosaurs.
  • A one man business is never going to work. If you are a go it alone to develop your business and to grow means that yo will certainly have to consider staff. Who will deal with the work, advertising, canvassing, paperwork, promotion, cover for well earned holidays you will need, advertising and of course look after you and consult for a second opinion on business decisions. If you got it alone you are doomed to fail.
  • Do you underestimating the skills and requirements to starting and running a business. Self analysis should have been made before any business is started up. Do yo have what it takes? Passion, hard work, drive, expertise in your field of business, experience and existing network of customers lined up, marketing and operational plans. And lastly but by all means not least that 'turning up for work come what may' factor?
  • Successful entrepreneurs are often charismatic extrovert and tell a good story. You need an extrovert Sales Director or employee in order to complement you if you are an introvert. Keeping good employees is difficult and are head hunted. Always consider second best for loyalty, but never cut your head off employing inefficiency in your work staff.
  • Promotion and marketing is expected as the most important part of any business. Know who and where your customers are and join up or create Trade Associations for your business genre. This is vitally important and overlooked by many businesses.
  • Finally get off your backside and network your business. Success is guaranteed if this is done effectively Let me quote the well verse saying "It's not what you know, but who you know". This is, so true! Join up with networking organizations there are hundreds that will help your business get seen.

If you ignore all these points the chances are that your business will go bust before very long. Business is a science and science has hard and fast rules that need to be applied. Take heed.
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Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Do You Like Cheating? - This Site Is Just Up Your Street If You Do

The "Town" room in Club Penguin
Winning games sometimes makes you money so here is a useful site that gives you cheats on games and is free to join.

Now I don't believe in cheating, it's unfair of course but there are some who do. If you are one of those people then you can sign up for a free Club Penguin Membership. It is as simple as that and you will be entitled to have access to clubpenguin cheats to your heart content.

Free Club Penguin is there to join, so if you want or have to cheat this is your cheating paradise.

A short post I know, but if delivers the message simple and clearly.

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Sunday, 28 March 2010

Diversity Is The Key To Successful Blogging Income

I wonder how many people actually make a living our of blogging? this would have been quite possible a few years ago, when apy per psot reviews paid good money, but the belts have tightened in revenues paid out for reviews to blogging authors. I fear that many who used to make a living from it have had to find alternative ways to make money and this is the point that is going to be made here.

Easter arriving and so the saying goes, "Don't put all your egg in the same basket!" Blogging for a living is al about spreading the sources of income not relying on one source. Don't just rely on paid reviews from one online company, register with half a dozen. Don't just rely on review writing, get the AdSense up and running, sell products with Amazon on your site and join as many traffic generating communities as you can to get your popularity to rise.

Do you have friends or family who have businesses with products or services they sell? Write reviews on them and have a permanent banner for them. Effectively this is you being an affiliate and you could make a little on commission from sale that you generate although you may just ask for your site to be included in brochures or advertising material that goes out with the business in return. This will generate more unique traffic for sure.

I have already mentioned business cards to generate more traffic, but mention it again as it is an important area if you are serious about making money online. I know there is a little investment needed for this although you are already investing by paying for your site to be running which in fact is probably more expensive!

As the title of this post says, "Diversity Is The Key To Successful Blogging Income." This is so true as if one area fails, there are many other that will still pull you through.

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Friday, 19 March 2010

Got A Blog - Get A Business Card For It

Most if not all people who blog want  as many readers as possible to see their work online. Advertising is made sometime spending quite a bit of money to get your message across online. But what about other ways that are not really thought about when trying to promote your blog?

Okay, you may have Entrecard, Adgitise and other social networking scheme in place to get more readers. You may even have a budget for Adwords getting more people to click into your site. But what about off line marketing? A blog is a business and business is not confined to online marketing and advertising. This is an area that can be tapped into quite easily and get you more traffic.

The first .line of off line action is to get a load of business cards printed out with your blog details attractively designed on it. Business cars are so, so cheap to buy and most people who have a printer with their laptop or desktop can design and print their own with good quality glossy card/paper. For a few pence a sheet you could have hundreds of business cards for under £1!

Give out these business cards to everyone you know, and I mean everyone. A work, down the pub, local shops, supermarket boards. When you go on holiday leave your card with everyone you meet. Give friends and family a bundle and ask them to give them to everyone they know and don't forget to tell them to give these 'other people' bundles and do the same. If you know any local Internet cafes, blue tack one to each computer with the owners consent of course, (you may wish to say you would write an ad for him on your blog in exchange!)

There are endless ways to get your blog know off line, and this is just one example of how you can do that with very little cost involved. You will be surprised at the traffic yo can generate from this and of course more traffic means more potential income from your blog.

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Sunday, 14 March 2010

Don't Waste Time Online For Improved Earnings

Money is time and time is money. A saying that goes around and around but you can go deeper into that saying and come up with much more efficient ways of earning money with the time spent doing it. We are all guilty of spending time online that really is spent just wasting time. One of the biggest culprits is looking up statistics.

How much time each day do you spend looking up how many visitors you had each day? Do you look up Google, Adsense each day to see how many cents you made? What about Entrecard, Adgitise, Project Wonderful and other sites that give daily statistics you can check up on? Add all this time together, plus the tinkering that goes on once oy are on each of these sites, then you are looking at a great deal of time that is not earning you money at all. It could be better spent on doing something more constructive.

To make more money from the time you are online you need to have discipline as to what you do with your time. Each minute is a potential addition to you earning if used in the right way. Blogging for example is based on writing and your time should be prioritised to the majority of time actually writing and editing. Yes, there are times where SEO needs to be done, but it should not take up most of your time online. If it is, rethink your online schedule, it needs adjusting.

It is a good idea anyway to look at what you are actually doing online on a daily basis. Analyse it, then and try and use a reflective method and change the time you use with more effective task management online. This way you will be improving you business and of course bring you in more income as a result with less time wasted.

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Weddings Are An Expensive Business Unless You Plan Ahead

Virginia and Ryan Save-the-Date
Do you have plans to get married soon? If you do you need to make financial provision for the day. We all know how expensive wedding can be and the sooner a plan is made to cover the cost the easier it will be on the purse strings. The last thing newly-weds want is a marriage that starts with debts from the wedding.

This blog is all about making making money and that included finding ways to spend less. One area of weddings that has and expense is wedding invitations. You should choose place where you get these resources carefully as many companies charge over the top for what should be simple and cost effective. Buying online is the best way to get both of these factors and not be pressed by salesmen and women who would pressurise yo to buy more 'flamboyant' invitations. The wedding invitations are an important part of any wedding and you can make savings and not skimp on quality.

Another useful tip is to use save the date cards in conjunction with your wedding invites you send out. There are many formats around and again a cheap and effective way to get your chosen family and friends to attend. Don't forget, each party that turns up will be presenting you with a wedding gift and this is one of the benefits of having many guests. It will certainly give a little supplement to the overall costs.

Weddings are great occasions, but they can be the most stressful of times with the cost involved. It is just a case of looking at each area and not be forced into paying more money than you need to. The online option is always a good area to check out before high street spending.

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Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Duty Free Goods - Are You Making The Most Of Them?

{{legend|#008000|WTO founder members (1 Januar...

Do you travel abroad for business or pleasure? If you do you can easily make a little money from tax exclusions that apply to goods you can bring back. It will not make you rich but certainly can help supplement cost of the travel or be tucked away for other expenses..

Let me tell you firstly that I know many people who go abroad and dot' take up the opportunity that lies before them simply because they don't look at the broader aspect of making money. How many people do you know who don't smoke therefore don't buy duty free tobacco? How many don't drink and don't buy duty free alcoholic drink. Think again, how many men go abroad and come back without any duty free perfume? I know many who think this way and lose out on profit making.

To make the most of this you should think about getting orders from friends and family before you travel. It is so much easier knowing that the duty free goods you bring back are already sold! Let me enlighten yo on how much can legally be brought back form EU countries to the UK.

3200 cigarettes 
200 cigars
3 kg of smoking tobacco
110 litres of beer
10 litres of spirits
90 litres of wine
20 litres of fortified wine e.g. port or sherry
From Estonia - 200 cigarettes or 250g of smoking tobacco
From Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia - 200 cigarettes

Let me tell you that I bought 200 cigarettes from Bulgaria to the UK. Each packet cost me around £1. I don't smoke and sold each packet of 20 for £3 in the UK. I made £20 on the deal and this actually paid 30% of the air flight! You may think this is illegal, but come on, who is going to take you to prison for selling 200 cigarettes to friends and family. If I took my partner we would have made £40!

Quality liquor and perfumes are always in demand at below shop prices and even with your profit you will have a market it you ask around.

So if you are on holiday soon, think about the money you can make on duty free goods that you can legally import. Too many don't

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Saturday, 6 March 2010

Bad Business Investment - A Little Thought

Coins and banknotes, two of the most common ph...

Making money is hard enough at the best of times and sometimes yo have to try and burn the candle at both ends to meet your financial goals. This means saving as well as earning and a few ideas on how to do this are here for you to consider.

Don't invest in bad business is advice that shouldn't be ignored. In blogging terms this means money ploughed into traffic generating schemes generally are a waste of money unless you are getting return visits from the traffic that is generated. You would have a better return on your investment blogging by spending more time on quality writing and using social interaction such as commenting on blogs and forums. It does involve time but cost no money. The beauty is that for free you are building up relationships with other bloggers that will certainly get you return visits time and time again - and visitors that are not there just for a drop and run.

Making money is about using you time constructively and quality counts here online. Without the source of interest in your blog you can plough wads of dosh into traffic generators, but the returns you get will be at best short lived. the money you make will not be returned let alone profits on top. If you want to invest, invest in a ghost-writer for quality articles. They will be online forever and you will be the deemed author and reap the benefits from this from interested readers.

Bad business investment is widespread and this is something just don't understand. It makes no sense to invest in something that will give you little or nothing in return. A little thought before opening purses will go a long way to help you make more money.

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Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Inbound Marketing A New Force To Be Reckoned With

You need customers in any business and if you have a product or service that you feel is worth knowing about getting customers must be the priority. Knowing how to get those potential customers to know about your products and services is an industry in itself with so many angles it would take a lifetime to go through all methods. It is simple called marketing and is the single most important part of any business bar none.

I have found on option that you can add to your army of marketing tactics that you may not have heard about. It is called Inbound marketing. In fact just reading this blog is part of that method. It involves getting you business out to millions of potential customers using search and social media as the platform base.

The results of Inbound Marketing Strategy has been found be more successful that conventional outbound marketing methods as many customers are turned of from continually being intruded by advertising and switch off when they are. With inbound marketing you will not be interrupting people and it is a very clever way of getting you products or services under customers noses without a cold reception. Just think of the old methods for a while..... All the emails, cold calling, blatant commercials, what do you do when you get these? Think... My point exactly. inbound marketing solves that negative reaction and give more of a fighting chance that you will be noticed.

Make Money From Public Performed Music

Busking Accordionist in Dorsten. Pictured acco...
Can you play an instrument or sing? If so why aren't you earning money from this. Quite simply all you need is a cap and a place where there is a passing public. It is a lucrative business and one that many people make a living out of.

What if you don't have any musical talents? This doesn't not stop you earning as I know some one who is tone deaf but has a portable keyboard with a CD playing facility. He plays the CD with the keyboard switched off miming to the music that is playing. It is very effective in fact more effective that live music as he mimes the keyboard playing very well. It is only the very astute that realise he is miming, the rest put money in his opened keyboard carrier! This is not cheating, think back to the organ grinder who just turned a handle to create music, this is more above board than you think.

Well, you might be able to juggle, or mime this is another talent that people are willing to pay for as they pass you entertaining in the street.

There are of course laws in many places about who can and who cannot busk, even auditions for busking rights in some places. So you might want to checkout at your local police station on where things stand in your country or area.

Having busked myself many times before in London and Yorkshire it is hard work but pays well, well worth a try to help your finances a little.
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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Trading In Stocks? - The More Help The Better

The whole world is based on buying and selling and the stock exchange is a prime example of what make the world go round. There have been god and bad times trading in stock exchange although it has to be said that over the long term my make a very good living out of the profit they have made.

Why is it that we only really hear about the bad news when shares crash in the media. Recetnly is a prime example with the tumble of shares. Funny though we don't hear much about it now as they are slowly recovering and the less we hear the better it is for traders. So now is an ideal time to start up in trading stocks whilst all is calm and prosperous.

There is a blog all about trading stocks that can help you do just that is you are green to this type of money making business. With areas of the blog that cover a multitude of related subject such as 'best stock brokers. a useful stock market glossary, trading options, penny stocks and covering World Stock Markets yo cant' fail to pick up useful tips to get your portfolio running smoothly. With regular updated post and a good ear to the wall it is something you might well want to look at and perhaps bookmark.

Making money isn't easy but become easier if you have the right tools and advice. Every little helps as we climb out of recession hit times.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Promoting Your Business By Spreading The Word

There is no feeling worse in business than sitting around and no business on the books or in the pipeline. This is the effect of the recession. There isn't a magic wand for getting customers although there are a few ideas to on how you can target your advertising.

Is is a wants or needs business? You need to put your services on offer right under their customers' noses, forget local newspapers, or other expensive listings such as telephone directories, these should have been in place before and obviously aren't working too well right now. It would be a bad investment to plough more in a dead area of advertising right now. You can use the media more constructively however by perhaps tyirng to get them to do a feature in your local paper such as promotion you might want to create or a new product or service which would be of interest. 

Handing out business cards or promotional material always helps, perhaps yo have neglected that area recently. Hie a stand in a shopping areas and give you business a high local profile. Have a new drive to try and make everyone you know you are there and get the word around. Word-of-mouth  is the best form of exposure. Whoever yo know load them up with business cards, it really works well as they will move on from there to a public that is probably targeted clients. Check out old work colleagues and invite them in for a coffee and let them know you are on a marketing drive and be upbeat. This will be infectious and they will in turn socialise with others and pass this on.

You have to remember that no advertising method is guaranteed to bring in customers but is does get your business in their face. Without a huge advertising budget you are not going to get customers within 24 hours, but your business will gradually get know through ever increasing circles. Therefore yo have to be patient and just keep piling the word out. It can take up to a year or more to get accountable customers from this, but never stop as the pipeline needs to be filled all the time

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Scared Of SEO? - Think Again

Making money blogging online is very difficult to do successfully. The reason most fail is not because of the material they write, but basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which would give them a more than fighting chance than most. I see thousands of blogs every week and many have excellent written articles and material, so why aren’t they making much money?

SEO is a big ball game; there are literally hundreds of ways in which you can improve your traffic by using proven techniques. Traffic is the secret to profit and quality traffic would further enhance your money-making opportunity with your blog.

The very mention of SEO puts the fear of God into many bloggers, especially those who have just started form scratch and those who just feel that they don't have the acumen to cope with such technical matters. Get this right - SEO is not just for geeks much SEO work can be done easily on a step by step basis. Let me take you through one area that anyone can cope with and gives big benefits for the blogger for very little work.

One area where any blogger can just spend a couples of minutes each day to list their blog are on SEO friendly directories. Once listed you needn't do any other work and your blog will be a permanent link within that directory and of course you will get traffic from it. Always make sure you spend a bit of time with you profile (add a pciture) if there is one and you blog description. Many readers will just look for the description of a blog and if inviting will swing the balance for them to go into your blog.

There are many types of web directories, If you get a little time find ones that are specific to you blog theme or genre, i.e. If you have a photo blog and look for photographic blog directories, if it is a pet blog there are many pet blog directories and of course if it is a business blog like this one, look out for business. Don't forget to list your blog on the biggest directories with Google, Yahoo and Dmos. In fact this shoud be the first port of call.

Once you have your blog listed on one directory doing the same on others is easy as they are al basically the same. Keep you blog description on a text document so you can copy and paste each time rather than starting from scratch each time, this will cut down on time as well. Set yourself a target perhaps one directory a day and stick to it. Over six months you will be amazed as the increase of traffic you will get and the back links you create by doing this.

Who said SEO was difficult? Directories are of course just one piece of the SEO jigsaw puzzle, but a very good start and something you really should start unless you have already.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Paid Surveys - Is It Worth The Effort?

The internet provides many openings for people to make money. It is a very simple process where you can earn money from taking up paid surveys that are widely advertised. But is it worth the effort? It is a very easy to understand system where you can get paid for the survey participation. Profit are there for the taking for relatively little work. Quick money always appeals and this is exactly the format which is put forward by companies. So what's the problem? You need to read to the end to find out one such problem.

Just do the survey and get paid after doing it sounds pretty attractive and thousand online who take up this offer and go forward with registering. You do not need any formal training or qualifications to do these jobs and is ideal for a stay at home person.

You opinion is worth money as these surveys help a lot as companies to determine how well their services and products are doing well in the market. The only requirement is you being able to give judgement on a service or product.

If you want to take part in the online paid review surveys you will need to take up a membership with that organization or company. Normally there isn't any charge made for this, if there is leave them alone, it will be a scam. You should then get am application form from the company to fill out and probably a questionnaire from the company.

Honesty is something that yo have to adhere to, you will find that not telling the truth is actually harder work and you have to spring more untruths to cover up the previous ones and you will be found out in the end, If you don't know the answer to a question try to ask friends or family that are around. A survey is done so that they can get the real picture about the products or business.

An online paid review survey is offered by agents for companies and organisations who specialise in this field. There are many who give good money for you opinion and review, well worth the effort in my opinion.

I have given a list of decent survey sites that you may wish to take up at the bottom of my blog home page. The only problem I have found is that you may have to wait ages for jobs so it is well worth applying for a number of survey sites to increase the assignment you may get. Good luck!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Beware Of Criminals Who Can Ruin Your Online Business

Be warned again from criminals who are out to get and disrupt decent folk online like you and me. It also costs you time, money and stress if they succeed in getting through to you. What am I talking about? Evil Hackers!

I nearly fell for one sly trick, but the lack of perfect English gave it away, let me explain.

It was coincidental that I was expecting a parcel from Hong Kong any day now and this email arrvived. I quote:

Dear customer!
The courier company was not able to deliver your parcel by your address.
Cause: Error in shipping address.
You may pickup the parcel at our post office personaly!
The shipping label is attached to this e-mail.
Please print this label to get this package at our post office.
Please do not reply to this e-mail, it is an unmonitored mailbox!
Thank you.
DHL Delivery Services.

I nearly fell for it thinking that this was the parcel I was expecting then I realised that firstly, DHL was not the delivery service I opted for and as mentioned the spelling isn't perfect (personaly should be personally!)

Thinking on, this idiot who wants you to open a can of worms with the file attachment disguised as a package label needs to be tarred and feather and hung from the neck a public place as an example to others who try and ruin other people's lives.

A warning to all, don't open anything that comes with these sorts of messages it could conceivably ruin any business you have online with viruses.

Everyday I get spammers and/or criminals trying to claw their evil way into my system and if this one had a bit more of an intelligent criminal mind (now there's paradox) it may have caught me. Be very aware!

Helping you through the maze of money making

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Heads Up In Recession - Bulgarians Know How To Do This

Heads Up In Recession - Bulgarians Know How To Do This
Who said this? “Recession is past the worst and the road to financial recovery is nigh!” Just about every optimist in business could sound this out. But is it true? What you read isn’t always a true reflection on what is happening at ground level and from where I stand things have still along way to go before the recession has reached its peak.

It is still about getting through an extended period where business drops, employment is even scarcer, the consumer will not spend and a depression continues to set in and surround the doom and gloom of businesses going bust. There is still along way to go before this turns around, I see it on my doorstep and with the community I meet with on a day-to-day basis. From professionals such as Doctors and Policemen to farm and factory workers it should be a deep worry and stress that comes about with no view of improvement right now.

How do you cope with the recession that seemingly has no end? Well here in Bulgaria apparently we are the most upbeat people in Europe in the midst of a recession. We are the poorest but happiest, but this is relative to the situation. The worse time of the financial year is after Christmas and New Year when the party is over and you are left to clean up afterwards.

So what do the Bulgarians do at this time to keep their spirits high with no end of recession in sight? Party on is the answer. This is good for the soul and keeps the hope in place and partying is no more a budget than not partying. With so many special name day celebrations and other designated celebration days right through to spring it is no wonder that the Bulgarians are the happiest Europeans.

What does this mean in terms of making money? Well, I have always said that saving money is just as good as making money and that’s what they do. If you can’t’ earn money then you do the next best thing and that is save money and this is done even without a recession here in Bulgaria so it is well practised. Pity other European countries can’t take a leaf out of the Bulgarian book of life on how to keep you head up in a recession. When it does end things won’t change much here as the party is already in full swing.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Got A Business And Not Online - Why?

Got A Business And Not Online - Why?
Are you a business? Do you have a website? IF the answer is no then you are falling behind the competition like there is no tomorrow. These should be very worrying times if you do not have an Internet window for your business.

It is quite a simple equation, no website for you business then the potential for making money is not being made the most of. Making a website that reflects your business is a simple process. Your business is already set up it is just a matter of transposing the marketing online. Yes it does take time to set up, so what are you waiting for?

The trend is and has been for many years now to shop online for goods and services, if you are not there your competitors that are already online will take the business. Invest in a web administer to take the job in hand and you will be rewarded with increased business to supplement you existing business. If your business is successful offline then it is bound to be even more successful online with the right type of website and SEO work alongside.

It doesn’t have to be a website on a big budget, there are many cheap or free sites that you can start off on to get the ball rolling, then once set up and running you can always upgrade later on. The main thing it to get the site started and the information online and build up a following and start accumulating back links so you get seen where you needed to be seen. Consider it you online business card to start off with and build up from there.

Get ideas form your competitors, they will if they have any business sense already have a site up and running. Pick faults with theirs and make yours even better. It is a dog eat dog business world we live in and you don’t get points for just admiring your competitors’ sites!

So, if you’re a business and not online, get moving now.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Take Business Advice From Articles - It's Free!

I know many people who start businesses and fail for one very good reason. They think they know best and shun any advice from people who give good advice. Going ahead with a new business is difficult and there is lots of advice around for free so why not take it?

Okay, not all the advice is good, but online there are tried and tested sources that can get you tips and advice that make the difference between success and failure. How do you know which is good and which is bad? Well that’s something that you yourself have to weigh up and assess. My point here is that even bad advice is good advice from the point of not following it.
It doesn’t matter what business you are into - there is always something there to take on board in your niche. Look at your competitors; many are bound to have their own websites or associated blogs, take a leaf out of their books if their ideas are good and work. Taking ideas and reinventing them is done all the time in business, it’s not stealing but taking good advice and making it work for you.

In a nutshell simple reading business advice online is a good habit to get into. It will give you the edge you need to succeed and like I said it is free, (if it isn’t it is probably a scam!) Look up Business Articles and you will find an array of advice to draw upon. It makes so much sense and coincidently is good business advice in itself to do this.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Don't Forget Trade Shows - Your Competitors Won't

Don't Forget Trade Shows - Your Competitors Won't
Making the most of the advertising mediums that are there for you to use is a vital part of any business. Being represented in trade shows are one area that is very much neglected by many businesses surprising so as it is a great way to get you business known to a targeted market.

Most trade shows, if not all are genre based. From automobile shows to aquarium show all in the main have a business topic that focuses specifically for that. Whatever your business it is in your interest to enquire where trade shows are being organised for your type of business. Even if you have to travel abroad the relative small investment made to set up and advertise your business will pay dividends. The reasons for this are quite simple – People go to trade shows because they are interested in the types of good and services that are going to be there and many are there specifically to do business. You can’t fail to get business one way or another from attending and taking part in trade show.

With many specialist companies that can guide you through the process of setting up effective trade show displays that will enhance your products or service. Using a tried and tested company that can show you the ropes will bring you more success than trying to do it off the cuff. Bringing people into the exhibit booths uses psychology and know how and certainly statistics show that done professionally it will increase the visits of potential customers substantially. With the use of a truss and logo floor mats designed and laid out in the right way form experienced trade show designers will give you the edge on any other competitor that happens to be doing the same thing.

If there is a trade show that is focussed on you business, don’t miss it as you will be missing a big chunk of business for relative little outlay.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Yahoo's MyBlogLog At An End - Boo Hoo :(

Image representing MyBlogLog as depicted in Cr...

I have just found out that MyBlogLog run by Yahoo is to close down this month. They put the reason behind it due to the lack of contributors. I find this hard to believe as I often run over new members that come and the stream is continuous, around every 20 seconds there is a new member joining up, so I do wonder whether there is another reason behind this.

MyBlogLog is a blogger socialising site where I have built up over 3,200 contacts and have been looked up well over 2000 times. As well as being a member of many niche groups getting update on news and views in these areas, I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of MyBlogLog. I have made many friends online here and hopefully there is a way to keep in touch with these people who I keep in touch regularly only on MyBlogLog.

It remains to be seen whether Yahoo plan a similar type of blogger networking programmes as there will be a big gap left with MyBlogLog gone. I hope that they have contingency plans that will stop them falling behind Google operated schemes that seem to be doing very well.

It is my opinion that there is something else looming but Yahoo is keeping it secret. I do hope so as networks like this really to help keep you traffic levels up (not click and run I might add) and in turn make you money making more profitable from this. Such a pity that this most enjoyable social network has come to an end.

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