Monday, 2 February 2009

A Decent Homeworking Discussion Forum

Working from home is difficult enough and without help and support this becomes even harder. There is a lot of information out there on what to do and what not to do, but where does it come from. Is this information from people who have personally experienced working from home? If not, how can this be good advice and support?

To the person taking on a work from a home business, they need others who are doing the same and have hands on experience that can be given over. There are a few sites around that provide forums and a stage to interact with others that are like minded with the idea of work from home. There was one recently that I found that seemed to have it all. The last thing you want is a complicated system that adds to the headache of researching homework business and advice.

This find has easy to follow and search discussions to see if a subject topic has been covered before. Registration is free and easy all you need is a valid email address. There is a preview and an editing facility that can be used up to 30 minutes after you have posted - How many times have you wished that was around with all forums?

Again, this is a discussion forum for all aspects of home working and for those starting out to those who want to move up a gear and even those who are making a good living out of it and want to help others - Yes there are some who do this!

The site is simply called 'Homeworking,' well worth registering and taking part if you want to get ideas, advice and feedback on ideas you have -

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