Friday, 20 February 2009

A Local Publishing Franchise Business - No Scam

If you’re considering running your own business working from home or small office and want an authentic opportunity to in publishing, there is a site I have found that can give you just that.

A Local Publishing Franchise Business - No ScamIt is called 'Community Times' This business franchise will enable you to publish your own high quality, glossy magazine. You can own a local online edition within your field or community. Many of the people who have taken this up and are effectively editors, work from home.

The magazine has a range of timely publications, which can be published monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. This means that you can have compete control over publishing frequency and therefore push out publications more often if the amount of material warrants it. In turn there is more money to be made from more frequent publications.

There is a local directory website within that contains a digital edition of your magazine alongside video and audio options. Also there are online advertisements that can earn repeated revenue every month.

This complete business system comes with advice from your Personal Account Manager and Personal Production Manager to operate the enterprise. It is claimed to be profitable business and at the same time a fun business that you and the community you work with.

A Local Publishing Franchise Business - No ScamThe Community Times is of course a franchise and one of the fastest growing work from home businesses around at the moment. You can request a free information package about this home business opportunity including a comprehensive prospectus and samples of real magazines begin produced.

Again, to me this seems a good opportunity and well worth a look. Basically it is a publishing medium with full support; all you do is contribute by writing and helping in the promotion of the magazine with lots of others supporting you as well.

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